[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 20: The Internet 场景 20: 网络 [00:05.26](While their father and mother are watching the news, (他们的父母看新闻的时候, [00:10.47]Robert and Sam get ready to go into their room to use the interent.) (罗勃特和瑟姆准备到房间里去使用网络.) [00:15.30]Dad, Robert and I are going to go use the computer, okay? 爸爸,罗勃特和我想去用一下电脑,可以吗? [00:19.55]Yes, but don't stay up too late. 好的,但是不要睡得太晚. [00:22.00]Don't worry, we'll go to bed by eleven o'clock. 不用担心,我们11点就会睡觉的. [00:27.40]Come on Robert, let's go. 来吧,罗勃特,我们走. [00:29.42]Okay. Good night mom, good night dad. 好的.晚安妈妈,晚安爸爸. [00:33.50]Good night Robert. Good night Sam. 晚安罗勃特.晚安 瑟姆. [00:37.29](Sam and Robert go into their room.) (瑟姆和罗勃特来到他们的房间.) [00:42.17]Robert, let's play games. 罗勃特,我们来玩游戏吧. [00:45.31]No. I want to learn about foreign countries like Samoa and Korea. 不.我想学习一下外国,比如说瑟牟尔和韩国. [00:50.38]What?! Are you crazy? 什么?!你疯了吗? [00:53.24]Okay, let's talk to girls in a chat room. 好吧,我们进聊天室和女生聊聊天. [00:57.49]No. I want to study. 不.我想学习. [01:01.39]Sam, the interent isn't only for games and girls, it's for learning too. 瑟姆,网络不仅仅是游戏和女生,它同样也可以学习. [01:07.26]I know that, but girls and games are more fun than studying. 我知道,但是女生和游戏比学习有趣的多. [01:12.47]I konw. 我知道. [01:14.30]No you don't. How would you know anything about girls? 不你不知道.你怎么会知道女生的事情呢? [01:19.17]You've never had a girlfriend. 你从来没有过女朋友. [01:22.87]Yes I have. I have a girlfriend now. 不,我有.我现在有女朋友了. [01:26.25]Really? 真的? [01:27.68]Yes, her name is Michelle and she's coming here for dinner on Sunday . 是的,她叫米舍,她星期天会来这吃晚饭. [01:34.01]First, let's play a few games and then talk about your girlfriend. 我们先玩一些游戏,然后再谈谈你的女朋友. [01:38.10]Okay, but you have to promise that you'll talk to me when we finish the games. 好的,但是你必须保证我们玩完游戏后你会和我说. [01:44.58]I promise. 我保证.