[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 19: Kevin's Parents get Ready for Bed 场景 19: 柯文的父母准备睡觉 [00:06.23]It's been a long day. 好长的一天啊。 [00:08.09]Let's turn in honey. 睡觉吧,亲爱的。 [00:12.16]Okay. 好。 [00:13.03]What's wrong? 怎么了? [00:16.32]You look like you have something on your mind. 你看起来好象有心事。 [00:19.56]Well, another year and our son will graduate and probably leave home for university. 恩,还有一年我们的儿子就要毕业了,可能会离开家上大学。 [00:26.09]Oh! I don't even want to think about that. 哦!我甚至不愿意去想。 [00:30.24]Well, you had better start. 你最好现在开始。 [00:33.12]That day will come before you know it. 那天会在你知道前来到的。 [00:35.43]Has Kevin indicated where he wants to go to school? 柯文表示过要在哪上学么? [00:40.46]I have a feeling he wants to go to an out of state college. 我感觉他想读一所州外的大学。 [00:45.31]Goodness! 天哪! [00:47.01]That means he will leave home and he all on his own. 也就是说他要离开家自己生活。 [00:52.23]Yeah, and it also means 是的,也就是说 [00:54.02]that his school expenses will be twice as high as in state school. 他的学费将是州立学校的两倍。 [01:00.06]Are we going to be able to afford that? 我们能负担吗? [01:03.24]How are the negotiations on that new contract at work coming along? 之后的工作合同是怎样的? [01:08.40]The city has decided to expand that section of freeway 市里决定免费支付那部分费用, [01:12.40]that leads to the new international airport 会影响国际机场, [01:16.23]and it looks like our company is going to win the bidding for the construction contract. 看起来好象我们的公司会赢得那份建设和约。 [01:21.38]That's great. 很好。 [01:23.69]But what exactly does that mean for you? 但是这对你有什么意义呢? [01:27.49]Well, it looks like my division will get the assignment 看起来我有设计权了, [01:31.39]and it looks good for me to be in charge of design and engineering. 还有,看起来有利于我掌管设计和工程。 [01:35.03]Why didn't you say something? 你为什么不说呢? [01:39.15]That's great! 那太棒了! [01:41.30]I want to wait until I was more or less certain. 我想等到我或多或少确定以后。 [01:45.32]Anyway, if that happens, 不管怎样,如果发生了, [01:48.15]we shouldn't have to worry about Kevin's school costs for the first year or two anyway. 我们不需要担心柯文头一年或两年的学费了。 [01:52.29]What do you mean the first year or two? 你说头一两年是什么意思? [01:56.58]What about the years after that? 以后怎么办? [02:00.09]I would like to see the boy work for park of his college life 我要看看儿子处理大学生活 [02:04.20]and be responsible for at least part of his school expenses. 和他为自己赚最少一部分学费的责任。 [02:08.31]I thought you said we wouldn't have to worry about the money. 我认为你说我们不需要担心钱。 [02:12.03]Why don't we support him until he graduates? 为什么我们不支付到他毕业呢? [02:16.40]You know we will make sure that he has the support to finish university; 你知道我们要确定他有完成大学的支持力。 [02:21.40]that's not the issue. 那不是经费的问题。 [02:24.05]I think it would do him a lot of good to work part time 我想这能使他去做兼职, [02:27.40]to develope a sense of independence and responsibility. 并且培养他的独立感和责任心。 [02:31.49]I know you are right, 我知道你是对的, [02:34.26]but I just can't help but to feel protective 但是我没有办法, [02:37.24]when I think of my son living alone in a far off city. 当我想起我们的儿子住在离城市很远的地方的时候我就感到要保护他。 [02:43.11]Don't worry. 别担心。 [02:44.10]He's still our little boy for another year. 明年他仍然是我们的小孩。