[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 18: At the Party 2 场景 18: 晚会 2 [00:05.25](Kevin is very sad. He looks for Barry. (柯文很悲伤.他在找芭雷。 [00:09.39]Finally, he finds Barry and apologizes.) 最后,他找到芭雷,并向他道歉。) [00:13.70]Barry, there you are. 芭雷,你在这儿。 [00:16.30]I've been looking all over for you. 我一直在找你。 [00:18.02]Hey, Kevin, you don't look so good. 嘿,柯文,你看上去不太好。 [00:22.15]Have you been crying? 你哭过吗? [00:25.32]No. 没有。 [00:26.98]Are you sick? 你病了吗? [00:30.04]No, it's not that either. 没有,都不是。 [00:32.18]Then what is it? 那是什么? [00:34.58]I have something to tell you, but I don't know how. 我有些事要告诉你但是又不知道该怎么说。 [00:39.19]Just say it. 说吧。 [00:41.29]You're my best friend. 你是我最好的朋友。 [00:44.03]You can tell me anything. 你可以告诉我一切。 [00:46.50]Okay, I'll tell you. 好吧,我告诉你。 [00:48.56]Karen dumped me. 卡伦把我甩了。 [00:51.28]She dumped you? why? 她甩你?为什么? [00:54.84]Not why, who. 不是为什么,是谁。 [00:58.55]Who? 谁? [01:00.01]She says she likes Warren Holt. 她说她喜欢华伦霍尔特。 [01:03.22]You mean the captain of the football team? 你是说那个足球队长? [01:06.42]He looks like a gorilla! 他看上去象个大猩猩! [01:09.06]I know. I feel like an idiot. 我知道.我觉得我像一个白痴。 [01:12.38]I'm really sorry I broke my promise to you because of a girl. 我真的很抱歉我因为一个女孩子而违背我的诺言。 [01:16.44]Those things happen. 那些事已经发生了。 [01:19.39]I accept your apology. 我接受你的道歉。 [01:21.59]Hey, if you feel bad and you want to talk, 嘿,如果你感觉不好想说说话, [01:26.08]you can sleep over at my house tonight. 你今晚可以到我家睡。 [01:29.20]Thanks. That's probably a good idea. 谢谢.那是个好主意。