[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 17: At the Party 1 场景 17: 晚会 1 [00:05.26](After the game, Kevin and Barry go to the party. (球赛后,卡伦和芭雷去了舞会。 [00:09.32]Their band plays and everyone likes them a lot. 他们的乐队表演了,每个人都很喜欢。 [00:13.30]After the band is finished, Keran wants to talk to Kevin.) 表演结束后,卡伦想和柯文谈谈。) [00:17.39]Hi, Kevin. 嗨,柯文。 [00:21.10]You guys were really good. 你们真棒。 [00:23.10]Can we go outside and talk? 我们能去外面谈谈吗? [00:27.28](Kevin winks at Barry, (卡伦朝芭雷眨眨眼, [00:29.16]holds Karen's hand, and takes her outside.) 挽起卡伦的手,把她带了出去。) [00:33.01]What do you want to talk about, Karen? 你想说什么卡伦? [00:37.21]Well, I don't know how to tell you this. 恩,我不知道该怎么跟你说。 [00:41.20]Just say it. 说吧。 [00:42.53]But it's really difficult. 但是这真的很难。 [00:45.48]You don't have to say it. 你不用说了。 [00:47.42]I know. I love you too. 我知道.我也爱你。 [00:50.46]No, that's not it. 不,不是这个。 [00:53.07]I want to tell you I can't be your girlfriend anymore. 我想告诉你的是我不能再做你的女朋友了。 [00:56.50]What? But I thought we loved each other? 什么?但是我以为我们是相爱的。 [01:00.47]Actually, I like someone else. 事实上,我喜欢别人了。 [01:03.35]Who? I'll kill him. 谁?我要杀了他。 [01:05.23]I like Warren Holt, the captain of the football team. 我喜欢华伦霍尔特,足球队的队长。 [01:10.46]Wow, he's huge, I can't kill him. 喔,他太庞大了,我杀不了他。 [01:14.39]But why didn't you tell me before. 但是你以前怎么不告诉我呢。 [01:17.45]Well, you're really nice and I didn't want to hurt your feelings. 恩,你真的很好,我不想伤害你的感情。 [01:22.39]Can I still give you a ride home in my car tonight? 今晚我能用我的车送你回家吗? [01:26.49]No, Warren has a nicer car anyway. 不用了,华伦有一辆更漂亮的。 [01:31.08]I really can't believe it. 我仍然不能相信。