[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation17: Breakfast 场景17: 早餐 [00:03.98]Are two eggs going to be enough? 两个鸡蛋够吗? [00:07.55]Plenty. I wouldn't mind another cup of coffee, enough. 足够了。我不介意再来一杯咖啡。 [00:10.45]You should eat a little more. 你应该多吃点。 [00:14.19]It looks like you are going to have a big day at the office. 好象你要在办公室呆上一整天。 [00:18.18]You may be right. But I can't really think of food right now. 你可能是对的。但是我现在真的不想吃。 [00:22.34]I've got too many other thing on my mind. 我的脑子里东西太多了。 [00:25.58]I just dont't want you to run out of enerage today. 我只是不想你今天精疲力尽。 [00:29.27]Don't worry, I'll stop off on the way to the office at Dunkin Donuts 不要担心,我会在去办公室的路上停在买一些吃的 [00:33.55]and pick up a few donuts in case I get hungry between now and lunch. 以防现在和午餐之间饿, [00:38.42]Oh, James! Donuts? 哦,詹姆士!Donuts? [00:41.28]Why don't you eat a more nutritious breakfast? 那你为什么不多吃一点有营养的早餐呢? [00:45.35]You are not a college kid anymore. 你不再是一个大学时代的年轻小伙子。 [00:48.44]You're right, but the fact is I love donuts; always have,always will. 是的,可事实上我爱吃;一直吃,一直也想吃 [00:55.02]Well, I should get going. I want to get to the office a little early today. 好了,我该出发了。今天我想早一点去办公室。 [00:59.07]I have to figure out a way to smooth things out between Steve and Mr. Barnes. 我必须找一个办法来解决和先生之间的事。 [01:04.45]Okey, honey. Have a good day. 好,亲爱的。过的愉快。 [01:07.33]What time will you be home? 你什么时候回家? [01:10.22]I have a feeling Mr. Barnes is planning . 我有一个感觉。 [01:13.16]to take us out to dinner tonight to celebrate yesterday's deal 先生今晚打算请我们吃饭庆祝昨天的交易 [01:18.03]Would it do any good for me to ask 我有没有必要告诉? [01:20.30]you not to drink too much at the dinner tonight? 你别在今晚宴席上喝太多酒 [01:24.23]Probably not. 很可能没有。 [01:26.31]I didn't think so, but you know I had to ask anyway. 我不这样认为,但是你知道无论如何我也是要说的 [01:30.26]Don't worry honey, if I drink tonight I'll take a taxi home. 不要担心,亲爱的。如果我喝多了,我会打车回来。 [01:34.83]Okay, have a good day. I'll see you tonight. 好,过得愉快。今晚见。 [01:38.42]See you tonight. 今天晚上见。