[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation16: Homework 场景 16: 家庭作业 [00:03.28](When Robert gets home he sits down at the kitchen table, (当罗勃特回到家,他坐在餐桌旁, [00:08.19]opens his backpack, and starts to do his homework.) 打开他的背包,开始做作业.) [00:14.05]Mom, my homework is a little bit hard today. 妈妈,我今天的家庭作业有点难. [00:18.16]Can you help me? 你能帮我一下吗? [00:20.08]Sure. I'd be happy to help you. 当然.我很乐意帮助你. [00:23.52]But I won't do your homework for you. 但是我不会帮你做. [00:26.65]Don't worry. 不用担心. [00:28.38]I'll only ask you when I have a really difficult problem. 当我真正碰到问题时我才会问你. [00:32.18](After about one half hour, Robert comes to a diffcult problem.) (大约半个小时后,罗勃特碰到了一个难题.) [00:39.12]Mom, can you help me now? 妈妈,你现在能帮我吗? [00:42.45]Of course. What's the problem? 当然.什么问题? [00:46.27]I don't know where Samoa is. 我不知道瑟牟尔在哪. [00:49.33]Okay. We can do this in two ways. 好的,我们能用两种方法解决这个问题. [00:53.01]We can look it up in a dictionary, or we can find it on the interent. 我们可以查字典,也可以用网络来解决. [00:58.40]Which do you think will be more interesting? 你觉得那一种更有趣呢? [01:01.50]The interent! 网络! [01:03.57]And which do you think will have more information? 你觉得那一个有更多的信息呢? [01:07.44]The interent! 网络! [01:10.47]Well, we should go to the computer. 那么,我们去电脑那. [01:13.32]Cool! I didn't know homework could be so fun. 真棒!我不知道家庭作业可以这么有趣. [01:19.10](They go into Robert's room and turns on his computer.) (他们来到罗勃特的房间,打开了他的电脑.) [01:24.31]Now, click on search and then type in “Samoa”. 现在,点击这里,然后输入“瑟牟尔”. [01:28.98](Robert does this and many pages of information appear.) (罗勃特这样做了,出现了许多信息.) [01:35.29]Wow. I can write a whole report now. 哇.现在我能写一份完整的报告了. [01:39.09]Yes, but don't copy it. 是的,但是不要照抄. [01:41.38]You have to write it in your own words or it is cheating. 你必须用你自己的话写出来,否则就是欺骗. [01:46.27]Okay, mom. And thanks, you're the best. 好的,妈妈.谢谢,你是最好的. [01:50.49]And don't play any computer games. 不要玩任何电脑游戏. [01:54.25]Just do your homework. 做你的作业. [01:57.18]Mom, you don't have to say that. 妈妈,你不用那样说. [02:00.32]I really want to study hard. 我也想努力学习. [02:03.41]I know. But I'm your mother. 我知道.但是我是你妈妈. [02:06.54]It's my job to say things like that. 像那样说是我的职责.