[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 15: Television News 场景 15: 电视新闻 [00:04.89](Kevin's mother turns on the television to get ready to watch the news.) (柯文的妈妈打开电视机准备看电视。) [00:10.39]Kevin, be quite the news is on. 柯文, 新闻开始了,安静一点。 [00:14.32]Okay. 好的。 [00:16.33](Kevin sits down on the sofa next to his mother. (柯文坐在沙发上,靠在他妈妈旁边。 [00:20.40]Just then, Kevin's sister, Mary, comes home. 就在那时,柯文的姐姐,玛蕾,回家了。 [00:25.09]She comes into the living room and watches the news too.) 她来到卧室,也一起看新闻。) [00:30.06]Mom, I don't know why you like the news. 妈妈,我不知道你为什么喜欢新闻。 [00:33.51]It's the same every day. 每天都是一样的。 [00:36.05]Every day there is some crime, fire, and floods. 每天都有犯罪,火灾和洪水。 [00:40.51]There is never any good news. 从来没有好消息。 [00:43.37]Mary, be quiet. 玛蕾,安静。 [00:45.11]I'm trying to watch this. 我想看看这个。 [00:49.32]I know there is some bad news, 我知道有一些坏消息, [00:52.28]but it is important that we know what is happening in the world. 但是我们知道世界上发生了什么是很重要的。 [00:57.10]Yeah, Mary, mom is right. 是的,玛蕾,妈妈是对的。 [00:59.24]It is important that we know about the world. 我们了解地球是很重要的。 [01:02.59]Why are you so stupid? 你为什么这么愚蠢呢? [01:06.11]Be quiet, Kevin. 安静,柯文。 [01:08.42]I'm a lot smarter than you are. 我比你聪明多了。 [01:11.46]No you're not. 不,你不是。 [01:13.21]You're just older, not smarter. 你只是比我大,并不比我聪明。 [01:16.09]You are both smart. 你们都很聪明。 [01:18.60]And you both have to be quiet, the news is on. 你们俩都安静,新闻开始了。 [01:23.28]Okay, but can we watch something else later? 好的,但是我们呆会儿能看别的吗? [01:27.33]Yes. Now let's be quiet and watch the news. 是的.现在我们安静看新闻吧。 [01:31.59]Don't worry about me mom. 不用担心我妈妈。 [01:34.23]I won't be here. 我不会在这儿。 [01:36.27]I'll be at the game and the party. 我会去看球赛,参加晚会。 [01:38.57]But Mary won't, she's too ugly. 但是玛蕾不会;她太讨厌了。 [01:42.34]Shut up. 闭嘴。 [01:44.27]I said be quite, both of you. 我说安静,你们两个。 [01:48.29]I'm going. Bye mom. 我走了。再见妈妈。 [01:51.03]Bye, Kevin. 再见,柯文。 [01:53.27]Remember to be home by midnight. 记得午夜回家。 [01:56.40]No, dad said I could come home at twelve-thirty. 不,爸爸说我可以12:30回家。 [02:00.11]Well then, be home by twelve-thirty. 那么,12:30回家。 [02:04.11]Your father and I will be waiting. 你爸爸和我会等你的。 [02:07.36]I will. Bye again. 我会的.再见。