[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]A Day in the life of a Typical American White Collar Worker 一个典型的美国白领阶层的生活中的一天 [00:04.43]Situation 15: Back at Home 场景15: 回到家里 [00:08.25]Wow, you're home early. 噢,你回来很早。 [00:11.50]It's only eight forty-five. 现在才八点四十五。 [00:14.46]Yeah, it was a strange day at the office. 是啊,今天是奇怪的一天 [00:17.77]Why? Did your presentation go poorly? 怎么?难道你的陈述不成功? [00:22.07]No, nothing like that. 不,才不会那样。 [00:24.37]In fact, it went really well. 实际上,进行的很顺利。 [00:27.59]It's just that I had some trouble with a colleague. 只是我和同事之间有点问题。 [00:30.80]Who? 谁? [00:32.71]Do you remember Steve Dawson? 你记得Steve Dawson? [00:36.34]let me seen,Didn't I meet him at the Chrismas party? 我是不是在圣诞晚会上碰到过他? [00:41.54]Yes, that's him. 是的,就是他。 [00:43.35]That's right, I told you to be careful when working with him. 那就对了,我告诉过你跟他一起工作的时候要小心。 [00:47.18]He seemed so aggressive. What did he do? 他好像有点好斗。他做什么了? [00:51.59]Oh, nothing really. 哦,真的没有什么 [00:54.37]I just thought we were supposed to be working together, . 我只是想和他合作, [00:57.36]but he seemed to be working against me 但是他好像和我作对 [01:00.44]I told you to watch out for him. I remember I said…… 我告诉过你要担心他。我记得我说过… [01:03.47](cuting her off.) Yes, you told me. (打断她)是的,你告诉过我。 [01:08.44]But I don't want to talk about it now. 但我现在不想说了。 [01:12.10]Tomorrow is Saturday and I just want to rest. 明天是星期六我只想休息一下。 [01:14.98]Besides, we haven't had much time together either. 再说,我们也没好长时间在一起。 [01:18.96]How was your day? 你今天过得怎样? [01:21.57]The same as always. 和以前一样。 [01:23.71]I like teaching but sometimes the children are so wild. 我喜欢教书可是有时候孩子们太调皮。 [01:29.19]But they love you and need you just like me. 但是他们还是喜欢你和需要你就像我一样。 [01:32.59]Oh, stop. 哦,闭嘴。 [01:34.12]And, anyway, I don't want to talk about my day either. Have you eaten? 无论怎样,我也不想说我的一天。你吃饭了吗? [01:40.31]Not since lunch. You? 自午饭就没吃。你呢? [01:43.16]I was waiting for you. 我在等你呀 [01:44.05]I thought you might be home early. 我知道你可能很早回家。 [01:47.80]Great. What do you want? 好。你想要吃什么? [01:50.72]Let's order some Chinese food. 我们预定一些中国食物吧。 [01:54.08]I feel like staying at home and watching a video. 我想呆在家里并看电视。 [01:57.30]Perfect. 好极了。