[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 13: Basketball Practice 1 场景 13: 篮球训练1 [00:05.60](School ends and Robert and Billy get ready to go to basketball practice.) (放学后罗勃特和比利准备去篮球训练.) [00:12.38]Robert, did you get your new shoes? 罗勃特,你买新鞋了吗? [00:15.44]No, my mom said I should use my old Reeboks. 我妈妈要我穿那双旧瑞巴克. [00:18.32]What about you? 你呢? [00:20.19]I got new shoes yesterday. 我昨天买了新鞋. [00:23.16]My mom bought me a pair of the newest Air Jordans. 我妈妈给我买了一双最新的空中乔丹. [00:27.22]No way! 不可能! [00:29.21]Really! They cost one hundred and fifty dollars. 真的!他们花了150美元. [00:34.04]Wow. That's expensive. 喔,真贵呀. [00:37.40]My mom would never buy me shoes that are that expensive. 我妈妈绝对不会给我买那么贵的鞋. [00:42.12]Sure they are expensive, but good shoes make you play basketball better. 它是很贵,但是好鞋能让你的篮球打的更好. [00:47.28]No, that's not ture. 不,那不是真的. [00:50.17]Yes, it is. 是的. [00:52.06]Look at Michael Jordan-his shoes are the best, so he is the best. 看看麦克.乔丹--他的鞋是最好的,因此他也是最好的. [00:56.59]No. He would be the best even if he had bad shoes. 不.就算他穿的是坏鞋他也是最好的. [01:01.53]How do you know? 你怎么知道? [01:03.09]I just know. 我就是知道. [01:06.12]I'm going to ask Coach Malone if it's true. 我去问可奇马龙看是不是真的. [01:08.06]Good, ask him.I'll bet you he says I'm right. 好的,去问他吧.我跟你打赌他会说我是对的. [01:13.22]Okay, how much do you want to bet? 好的,你想赌多少? [01:17.28]I'll bet you five dollars. 我赌5美元. [01:20.05]All right. It's a bet. 好的.我们打赌.