[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 13: Visiting the Grand Canyon 情景13 参观大峡谷 [00:06.04](Mr. Pak and Su-mi finish their trip to San Francisco. 派克和苏米完成了他们的旅行,然后到旧金山。 [00:10.48]The next day they fly to the Grand Canyon.) 第二天他们飞往大峡谷。 [00:15.32]Today we are flying to the Grand Can yon. 今天我们将飞往大峡谷。 [00:18.49]Will it only take one hour? 那仅仅只要一个小时吗? [00:22.52]No, it will take about two hours. 不,它将可能要两个小时。 [00:26.56]That's still a lot better than ten hours. 还是比10个小时好多了。 [00:29.26]Yes,it is.And if we drove there in a car, 是的。如果我们乘车去, [00:34.46]it would take almost thirteen hours. 可能要花13个小时。 [00:39.00]Thirteen hours? 13个小时? [00:40.74]I could never do that. 我从来不会那样做。 [00:43.30]I am glad we are flying there. 很高兴我们是飞到那里。 [00:47.21](Mr. Pak and Su-mi arrive at the airport 派克先生和苏米到达机场, [00:51.11]and then take a bus to the Grand Canyon.) 然后乘一辆汽车到大峡谷。 [00:55.02]There it is, the Grand Canyou.What do you think? 这就是你要的大峡谷。你在想什么? [00:59.47]It's so big. 它是如此的大。 [01:01.49]I can't believe it. 我不能相信。 [01:04.44]Yes, we saw pictures of it, 是的,我们只看过图片。 [01:08.07]but it is too big for a picture. 但是对于图片来说它是太大了。 [01:10.86]Who made it? 谁制造的? [01:12.76]Not who, but what. 不是谁,而是什么。 [01:15.12]What made the Grand Canyou was a river. 造成大峡谷的是河流。 [01:20.19]Can you see that water at the bottom of the canyon? 你能看到峡谷低部的水吗? [01:24.44]Yes, I see it. 是的,我能看到。 [01:27.16]Well, that's the Colorado River. 好,这就是美国罗拉多州河流, [01:30.44]That river flowed for many tens of thousands of years 那个河流已流了几百万年, [01:35.26]until it made this canyon. 才形成了这个峡谷。 [01:38.50]Wow. But water looks so weak. 啊,但是水看起来很淡。 [01:42.35]I know. 我知道。 [01:44.38]But water is very strong. 但是水真的很浓。 [01:48.14]This is a great vacation,Dad. 爸爸,这是一个很好的假期。 [01:50.70]I am learning a lot of English, 我学了很多英语, [01:54.13]and also about nature and history. 同时包括自然和历史的。 [01:58.03]Yes, that is why travelling can be an important part of studying. 是的,那就是为什么旅行是学习很重要的一部分。