[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation12: Back in the Boss' Office 场景12: 回到老板办公室 [00:05.08](Seeing quite upset) I hope you two know what you have done. (看起来很沮丧)我希望你们知道你们都做了什么。 [00:10.37]I'm sorry, Mr. Barnes. It was all my fault. 对不起,先生。都是我的错 [00:14.17]Steve was doing just fine until I opened my big mouth. Steve做得很好然而我却胡说八道 [00:17.45]I take full responsibility. 我负所有的责任。 [00:20.45]Yes, sir. 是的,先生 [00:21.18]I told him to keep quite about that Mac stuff and just let me do the talking. 我告诉他不要说关于Mac材料,让我说就行了。 [00:28.41]Is that so? 是那样吗? [00:31.00]Yes, sir. 是的,先生。 [00:33.30](Now seeing quite happy) 现在看起来很开心) [00:36.35]Well that's interesting since Mr. Wang has just signed . 很有意思,王先生签合同预订。 [00:40.35]a contract to order fifty-thousand units 5万个部件 [00:44.44]Good job, Goddard. 做得好。 [00:46.07]He said he was impress both by your technical knowledge and your honesty. 他说对你的技术知识和忠实诚恳印象很深。 [00:52.15]As for you Dawson, we'll talk tomorrow; 至于,我们明天再谈吧。 [00:55.51]right now I'm too happy to think about anything negative. 现在,我太高兴而不想想一些消极的事情。 [00:59.51]But, Mr. Barnes, sir. 但是,先生。 [01:02.46]That will be all. 不要再说了 [01:05.07]Come on, Steve, You can only make it worse by talking now. 请过来,你现在说话只能将事情越办越糟。 [01:09.21]Good-bye, Mr. Barnes, and thank you. 先生,再见,谢谢你 [01:12.45]No, thank you, Goddard. 不,谢谢你, [01:15.33]You did a fine job today. 你今天工作做得很好。 [01:18.22]This commpany needs more men like you. 这个公司需要更多的象你这样的人。 [01:22.02]We may be talking about a promotion soon. 我们很快会谈提升的问题。 [01:25.50]Now get out of here. 现在先回去吧。 [01:28.18]Yes, sir. Good-bye. 好的,先生,再见。