[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation10: The Meeting 场景10:开会 [00:03.68]Good afternoon, gentlemen. 下午好,先生们! [00:07.14]Today my colleague, Mr. Goddard and I will be introducing you to 今天我要和我的同事将要向你们介绍。 [00:11.40]a revolutionary new software program 一个新软件程序的大变革 [00:15.47]It combines all the functions of various other programs——word processing, 它将各种各样程序的所有功能——文字加工, [00:21.25]translating, financial management, graphic design, and more——into one. 翻译,财政管理,图表设计,还有其他兼备其中。 [00:28.21]I will be leading the first part of the presentation, 我将演示该程序的第一部分。 [00:31.18]while Mr. Goddard will be answering technical questions at the end. 同时,先生将在最后回答工业技术方面的问题。 [00:35.50]I have a question from the beginning. 从一开始我就有一个问题。 [00:40.14]Yes. Please go ahead. 好的,请说吧。 [00:43.04]I am wondering about the price of your program. 我对你们程序的价格表示惊奇。 [00:46.32]In other words, will it be cheaper to buy your product, 也就是说,如果便宜一点买你们的产品, [00:51.14]or should we just buy all of the others separately? 我们就可以单独的买所有其他产品。 [00:55.37]I'm glad you asked that question, Mr. Wang. 我很高兴你问这样的问题。 [00:59.26]I was going to save this part until the end of the meeting, 我准备保留这个问题一直到会议结束, [01:03.14]but since you asked I will tell you. 但由于您提出来了我就告诉您。 [01:06.32]Our program is on average forty percent less expensive than it would be to buy the programs it replaces separately. 我们的程序比单独买其他程序平均低百分之四十。 [01:13.31]And what about after-servious and upgrades? 那产品的更新和售后服务是怎样的呢? [01:17.48]All our products are guaranteed for one year. 我们所有的产品都能确保用一年。 [01:21.53]As for upgrades they will also be free for one year and can be downloaded from the internet. 至于产品的更新在一年里也是免费,并且可以从网上下载。 [01:28.23]I am also curious about compatibility with Apple computers. 此外,我还奇怪与苹果电脑的并存问 [01:32.34]Do you have a separate product for Apple or……? 你们有没有为苹果电脑或其他品牌单独生产? [01:36.39]Perhaps my colleague should answer that, 也许我的同事能回答这个问题 [01:39.06]as it is more on the technical side. 由于它更倾向于工业技术方面。 [01:43.42]Mr.Wang, I developed this product to work on both PC's and Macs. Wang先生,我们是为在PC和上工作而开发这种产品。 [01:49.16]I assume your company is mainly interested in the PC version, 我假设你的公司主要对PC版本感兴趣, [01:54.15]but I assure you Mac users will have no problems with our product either. 但是我向你保证Mac的使用者也不会对我们的产品有任何问题。 [01:58.12]That's what I was afraid of. 那就是我担心的。 [02:02.49]I want Mac users to have problems. 我希望Mac的使用者有问题。 [02:06.35]Otherwise they'll keep buying from Apple and not from my company. 否则,他们将继续从苹果公司购买而不从我们公司购买。 [02:11.36]I apologize, sir, but I cannot help you with that. 先生,对不起,那样的话我们帮不了你。