[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00:37]At first he stayed up in his room most of the time in the evenings,reading and playing his harp. 起先,到了晚上他就待在自己的房间里,靠读读书、弹弹竖琴度过大部分时间。 [00:06:40]But he soon preferred to read human nature by taking his meals in the general dining-room with the dairy people. 可是不久,他更愿意到公共餐室和奶场其他人一道吃饭,来体会人类的天性。 [00:13:43]The longer he stayed, the more Clare liked living with these simple country people. 和大家在一起的时间越长,克莱尔就越喜欢和这些淳朴的乡下人生活在一起。 [00:19:17]No longer did he see them as lacking in intelligence. 他不再把他们看做缺乏智慧、没有见地的人了。 [00:22:41]He realized they were no different from him: he and they were all people walking on the dusty road which ends in death. 他领悟到他们跟他没有什么不同:他和他们一样都是风尘仆仆的赶路人,他们的最终归宿都是死亡。 [00:31:46]He began to like working outside.He was learning about nature and about life. 他开始喜欢上户外的工作了。他在学习更多关于自然和关于生活的知识。 [00:38:03]He came to know the changing seasons,morning and evening,different winds,waters and mists,shade and silence,and the voices of nature. 他渐渐感悟到了变化的四季,清晨和黄昏,各种各样的风,水域和云雾,阴影和沉寂,以及自然界发出的种种声音。 [00:46:07]All this he had never known before. 对这一切,他过去是一无所知的。