[00:00:59]About your scheme for restoring the estate cottages. 庄园的重建计划 我们要谈谈了 [00:03:42]You don't mind my interfering? 不介意我插手吗 [00:05:40]My dear fellow, I brought you here to interfere. 叫你来 就是让你插手的 [00:08:31]In fact, why don't you stay for dinner and we'll talk about it? 留下来用晚餐吧 席间详聊 [00:11:27]We'll send down to Molesley for your clothes. 让Molesley把你的衣物送来 [00:13:16]I better not. My mother's expecting me. 还是不了 母亲等着我回去 [00:15:56]In fact, I've been meaning to speak to you about Molesley. 正好 我一直想和您说Molesley的事 [00:19:09]Oh? Would you find me very ungrateful if I dispensed with his services? 如果我辞去他 是不是太不领情了 [00:25:36]Why? Has he displeased you in some way? 为何 他令你不悦吗 [00:27:41]Not at all. It's simply that he's superfluous to our style of living. 不是 在我的生活里 并不需要他 [00:31:58]Is that quite fair? 这公平吗 [00:33:25]To deprive a man of his livelihood when he's done nothing wrong? 无缘无故 剥夺一个人的生计 [00:36:10]Well, I wouldn't quite put it... 我不是这个意思 [00:37:06]Your mother derives satisfaction from her work at the hospital, 你母亲通过医院的工作 获得了满足感 [00:39:50]I think, some sense of self-worth? 实现了个人价值 对吗 [00:42:09]Well, certainly. 那是当然 [00:42:56]Would you really deny the same to poor old Molesley? Molesley的事 不也是一个道理吗 [00:45:15]And when you are master here, is the butler to be dismissed, or the footman? 等你成了庄园主 也要解雇这里的管家和男仆吗 [00:50:32]How many maids or kitchen staff will be allowed to stay? 多少女仆和厨工能留下来 [00:53:00]Or must every one be driven out? 还是每个人都要被赶走 [00:56:25]We all have different parts to play, Matthew. 每个人在世上都有分工 [00:59:50]And we must all be allowed to play them. 都应当有施展拳脚的机会