[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.02]Oh, my God. I got to go to the emergency room. 噢,上帝,我得去急症室。 [00:03.24]Well, assuming you're correct that your right humor is no longer seated in the glenoid socket, I would certainly think so. 嗯,姑且你是对的。你右臂脱离了臼窝,我同意你的观点。 [00:08.05]Okay, can you drive me? 好吧。你等开车送我去吗? [00:10.20]I don't drive. 我不开车。 [00:11.05]Well, I can't drive! 哦,我开不了车! [00:13.12]Well, it seems we reached an impasse. 哦,我们似乎陷入了窘境。 [00:14.48]Ow. 噢。 [00:17.21]I could call you a cab or an ambulance. 我给你叫辆计程车,或者救护车吧。 [00:19.35]No, No, no. I can't wait that long. You got to help me, please. 不,不,不。我等不了那么久。你得帮我,拜托了。 [00:22.59]All right. Let it never be said that Sheldon Lee Cooper ignored the please of a damsel in distress. 好吧,别让别人笑话说Sheldon Lee Cooper一位女士处于困境时,拒绝了她的请求。 [00:28.22]No one's saying that. Let's go. 没人会笑话,我们走吧。 [00:30.30]Well, it does seem rather ironic that for want of 99-cent adhesive ducks, we both might die in a fiery car crash. 嗯,如果只因为没贴99分钱的鸭子粘纸导致我们死于一场忽如起来的车祸那可就讽刺了。