[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.04]Could you please drive a little faster? 你能开得快点吗? [00:05.38]Oh, I think we're going sufficiently fast. What's that? 哦,我认为我们已经够快了。怎么回事? [00:11.30]Nothing. The engine does that sometimes. 没事,引擎有时就会这样。 [00:13.29]It can't be nothing. The check engine light is on. We need to find a service station. 这怎么会没事。发动机检修灯亮了,我们得去维修站。 [00:17.21]No. The light has been on since I bought the car. 不,自从我买这车以来那灯就亮着。 [00:20.11]All the more reason to consult with a mechanic before it explodes. It's not going to explode. 那我们就更有理由,在爆炸之前请教机修工了。不然会爆炸的。 [00:25.06]Just keep driving. 只管继续开。 [00:26.34]Warp speed ahead, Mr.Spock. Mr.Spock did not pilot the enterprise. He was the science officer, and I guarantee you that if he ever saw the enterprise's check engine light blinking, he would pull the ship over immediately. 高速前行,Spock先生(注:际旅行"里的主角之一,外星人)Spock先生不驾驶交通工具。他是科学官员,我向你保证。如果他看到检修灯在闪的话,他会立马停船。 [00:42.55]Oh, God, I'm gonna lose the arm. 哦,上帝,我要失去这只胳膊了。 [00:44.34]Oh, red light. Release accelerator and slowly apply... the... brake. Nailed it. 哦,红灯。放开加速器, 慢慢踩... 刹车。停稳了。