[00:00.00]But this high quality comes at a cost in terms of the waste produced during the process. [00:06.32]Over a third of the waste paper that comes in can¡¯t be used in the recycled paper, leaving the question of what to do with it. [00:14.37]One firm, Papersave, currently sells this to farmers as a soil conditioner, [00:19.39]though this practice will soon be banned because of transport costs and the smell, [00:24.87]and the company is looking into the possibility of alternative uses. [00:29.43]Plastic causes problems, because there are so many different types of plastic in use today, [00:34.76]and each one has to be dealt with differently. [00:37.34]Practice recycles all sorts of things, from bottles to car bumpers, [00:42.07]and one of its most successful activities is recycling plastic bottles to make containers which are used all over the country to collect waste. [00:51.00]The Save-a-Cup scheme was set up by the vending and plastic industries to recycle [00:56.06]as many as possible of the three-and-a-half billion polystyrene cups used each year. [01:02.81]At the moment 500 million polycups are collected, processed and sold on to other businesses, such as Waterford, [01:11.00]which turns the cups into pencils, and Johnson&Jones, a Welsh-based firm, which has developed a wide variety of items, including business cards. [01:21.95]Well, to sum up, there seems to be plenty of research going on into how to re-use materials, [01:28.07]but the biggest problem is getting people to think about recycling instead of throwing things away. [01:33.85]At least doing the research made us much more careful.