[00:00.00]So, hello, Alexandra. Alexandra,你好。 [00:05.96]Hi, how are you? 嗨,最近怎么样? [00:06.94]I'm doing good. Now Alexandra, you're from Miami. 不错。你来自迈阿密? [00:10.44]Yes, I am. 是的。 [00:11.36]OK, so why don't you tell us about Miami. 好的,那你跟我说说迈阿密吧。 [00:15.12]Born and raised in Miami, and it's very warm, very warm. 我生长在迈阿密,那儿非常非常暖和。 [00:22.66]Lots of different people. It seems to be the port of Central and South America, 还有很多不同的人种。它貌似是中美洲和南美洲的港口, [00:28.26]so there's several different people from different countries coming through, 所以会有很多来自不同国家的不同人种经过此地, [00:34.33]as well as from Europe and some parts of the North of the United States come down for a visit and it's a tourist destination. 而且还会有欧洲和北美的一些人去那儿参观。那还是个旅游胜地。 [00:45.00]Wow, were you born in Miami? 哇,你出生在迈阿密吗? [00:46.16]Yes 是的。 [00:46.67]Really! 真的呀! [00:47.28]Yes, I was. 是的。 [00:48.23]And you lived your whole life there? 你一直都住在那儿? [00:49.65]Yep, yeah, yeah. 对对对。 [00:50.56]That's cool, what's the best thing about Miami? 那不错啊,迈阿密最吸引人的是什么啊? [00:53.65]The weather obviously, weather and the nearness to the ocean. 很显然是气候。还有隔海很近。 [00:57.55]Everything you can think of that can be done on the ocean, you can find a way to do it there. 凡是你能想到在海上做的事儿,在那儿都能做。 [01:03.13]Oh, nice, so what water sports do you play? 哦,不错,那你都玩什么水上运动啊? [01:07.04]There's water volleyball, and do some skiing, and diving, 有水上排球,滑水,潜水, [01:16.40]and also during season you can go and catch lobster down in the keys. 有龙虾的时候你还可以去一些地方抓龙虾。 [01:20.50]Really 真的吗? [01:21.77]Yes, so it can be fun. 对呀,特别有趣。 [01:23.94]That's so cool. So you catch the lobster and eat it that night? 那很不错啊。你可以白天捉了龙虾,当天晚上就可以享用了? [01:27.49]Yes. Yes. Absolutely. So you just go get the lobster out of the traps, 是的是的,当然。你就从洞里挖出龙虾, [01:35.09]take the upstairs to the boat, so to speak, and just throw them in a pot, and you're gonna have dinner in no time. 再上楼拿到船上,也就是说,你直接把龙虾扔到锅里就可以直接吃晚饭了。 [01:41.38]You don't eat them on the boat do you? 你们不会在船上吃龙虾吧? [01:43.11]You can. 你可以的。 [01:43.97]Really! People eat the lobsters on the boat? 真的?!人们都在船上吃龙虾吗? [01:45.96]Yeah, you can. 对呀,你也可以。 [01:47.26]Wow. Are they dangerous? I mean, cause they can snip your fingers. 哇,不危险吗?我的意思是龙虾会划到手指。 [01:50.10]Well, you don't, you make sure you catch them in the right, 哦,你不必担心。你要确保你抓着它的右爪, [01:53.07]hold them from the tail end and people usually put rubber bands around the claws, 握着它的尾端。而且人们通常会用橡皮筋缠住它们的爪子, [02:00.77]and you can just throw them into boiling water, get your butter out and you're good to go. 然后直接扔进沸水里,取出的时候放点黄油,然后你就可以美美地享用了。