[00:00.00]OK, so now we are going to talk about other people, so you can talk about somebody else, a friend, a family, a celebrity. Who would you like to talk about? 好,我们来谈谈其他人吧,朋友,家人,名人你想谈论哪个? [00:13.91]Anybody? 什么人都行? [00:15.68]Anybody. 什么人都行。 [00:17.04]Who rips. 很好。 [00:21.00]Who rips? What does "rips" mean? Who rips? "rips"是什么意思啊? [00:23.72]Ripping means if you are like a surfer, if you say he rips, he is really good. Ripping的意思是比如说你是一个冲浪运动员,如果你说rips,就说明他很棒。 [00:33.02]Oh, OK. He rips! Wow, so just for surfing? 哦,好的,他很棒!哇,只适用于冲浪吗? [00:37.82]And windsurfing, too. 还有滑板运动。 [00:39.20]He rips. Skateboarding? 还有滑板运动? [00:42.56]Yeah. Skateboarding too. 对的,还有滑板运动。 [00:43.71]Skateboarding, he rips 他还擅长滑板运动。 [00:44.80]Yeah, it means he can make some great moves. 对,也就意味着他能做很多运动。 [00:46.89]Great turns, great flips. OK, who rips? 好吧,大翻转。谁还擅长呢? [00:53.07]Just go to the beach, and you see it. Like, you don't even have to talk, you just have to see it, and if you rip then you get respect, and if you talk, if you have a chance to talk to the guy, it's almost always that he is a nice guy. 你去海滩看看就知道了。你都不用说话,你就看。如果你擅长,你就会得到尊重,但如果你说话,如果你有机会和那些人搭讪,那就说明他是个很不错的家伙。 [01:13.89]Really. 是嘛! [01:14.76]Well, 99 percent. 恩,百分之九十九。 [01:16.45]So guys who rip are nice guys. 所以说那些同你搭讪的都是好人。 [01:19.16]Nice guys. Like nice, meaning, it's nothing like talking to a salary man. 好人。就像nice,它一点儿都不像是在和一个俗气的人聊天。 [01:25.22]Wow, so very easy-going, very friendly, not serious. 哇,那就是非常的随和,非常友善,一点儿都不严肃了。 [01:32.70]Yes. Like open, no attitude, no attitude,it's like a way to elaborate. 是的。很开放,没脾气,就像是精心设计的。 [01:38.51]OK, so do you rip? 好的,那你擅长吗? [01:42.16]No. I'm in progress. I'm trying. It's hard. It's hard to rip though. 不,我还在进步中。我在努力尝试着,变得足够好是很难的。 [01:49.45]But you said earlier that you are very good windsurfing so you are closest to ripping at windsurfing. 但你说这话还为时过早,你现在是一个很不错的冲浪运动员,所以你跟离擅长只剩一步之遥了。 [01:57.45]Man, In my dreams, but in reality, I'm, no, I'm trying. 唉,那只是在梦里,但在现实中,我不是,我还在尝试。 [02:05.55]Maybe you're being modest. So a modest person doesn't say he rips or he is good 大概你现在是在谦虚。自然一个谦虚的人是不会说他很擅长或优秀的。 [02:11.46]You got the point, no I was just kidding, I can't rip. 你说点到上了,不过不是在开玩笑,我真的还不行。 [02:16.78]OK, who is the best surfer in the world? 好吧,那谁是世界上最棒的冲浪者呢? [02:20.22]Robbie Naish. Robbie Naish. [02:21.54]Robbie Naish. What country does he come from? Robbie Naish.他来自哪国呢? [02:24.52]Hawaii. 夏威夷。 [02:25.73]Oh, so he's hawaiian. He's American. 哦,所以说他是夏威夷人。他是美国人。 [02:27.24]Yeah, from Ohahu! 对,来自欧胡岛。 [02:28.82]From Ohahu, so he surfs on waves. -- How big are the waves that Robbie Naish surfs on? 来自欧胡岛,所以总是在冲浪。他冲的那些浪都有多大啊? [02:36.46]OK like Jaws, there is a specific point in Maui, Hawaii Maui, and it's called Jaws, cause people say that there are a lot of sharks at the point, but anyway, at Jaws 25 meters or 30 meters in winter. 恩,就像像大白鲨,有一个特定的归属地在毛伊岛,夏威夷毛伊岛,它叫大白鲨,因为人们都说在那个地方有很多鲨鱼,但不管怎么说,冬天的时候在大白鲨岛浪能达到25米或30米。 [02:54.16]Man, that's high. 25 to 30 meters. That's what? Three stories? Maybe! 那很高啊,25或30米。有多高?三层楼那么高?大概是! [03:01.25]That's like from here to the basement. 就像是从这儿到地下室。 [03:03.73]Wow! And were on the second floor so that's three stories. 哇!你在二楼,所以说那就是三层楼那么高! [03:07.98]Oh, right, right, right, right. 哦,对对对对。 [03:09.47]Man, that's high. That's really high. What's the highest wave you've ever surfed on? So you're standing up here. The ceiling! 那么高!那真的很高!你冲过那么高的浪么?你可以站在那儿。天花板! [03:18.79]Yeah! Probably the ceiling. 对,大概是天花板。 [03:20.16]So that's what, maybe 10 feet. 但那是什么,大概是10尺。 [03:23.26]I don't know the feet stuff. 我不知道尺这个东西。 [03:27.10]So that would be, 3, 4 meters. 大概是3,4米。 [03:27.86]Yeah, 3, 4 meters probably. 对可能有3,4米。 [03:30.30]Wow, that's still pretty high. 哇,那真的是相当高。 [03:31.41]Yeah, if you are in the ocean you are like lying down right, so it's quite high actually, yeah, if you're standing up it doesn't seem that high but. 对的。如果你在海洋里,你喜欢躺着吧,那么看起来就有那么高。但如果你要是站起来,看起来就没那么高了。但…… [03:40.95]But, when you're on the ground, you're right, when you're lying flat on your stomach, you're right it would seem very high. So Robbie Naish, does he make a lot of money surfing? 但当你在地面上的时候,你是对的,当你平躺的时候,你还是对的,它似乎看起来就是很高,所以说,Robbie Naish,他冲浪就能挣很多钱? [03:52.10]Yep. 对的。 [03:52.37][03:53.37]He's a rich man. 他是个有钱人。 [03:52.91]He's a billionaire. 他是亿万富翁。 [03:54.49]Wow, has he ever come to Japan? 哇,那他来过日本吗? [03:57.58]Many times. 来过很多次了。 [03:58.61]Really! 是嘛! [03:59.47]Yep. 是呀。 [03:59.88]Wow. 哇。 [04:00.61]For promotion. 为了得到提升。 [04:01.22]For promotion. 为了得到提升。 [04:02.24]He owns a boarding, sailing, and what have you. He owns a lot of companies. Yeah, he's smart too. Nice guy. 他拥有一个短板,帆船,你有什么他就有什么。他拥有很多公司。确实,他非常聪明是个不错的小伙子。 [04:10.53]Nice guy and he's a nice guy because he rips. 不错,他确实不错因为他擅长滑板运动。