[00:00.00]OK, Phil, you just got back from living in China. 你刚从中国回来吗? [00:05.82]Yeah, I lived in China about two years ago. 是的,我在中国住了两年。 [00:08.41]Wow. What was China like? 哇。中国什么样儿啊? [00:10.35]China was an eye-opener. It's a very old culture, but there's not many new, there's not many old things around in China, through wars, through the cultural revolution, a lot of stuff's been burnt, a lot of stuff just's been knocked down. One of the few old things that is there is the Great Wall of China. It's very famous this wall, very big. They are doing some efforts to try and build the wall up again, but when I was there, I believe it was August, 2002 it was still mostly old stuff. 中国是个能让你开阔眼界的地儿。有着非常古老的文化,但中国周边却没有那么多新鲜的也没有那么多老旧的东西。经过战争和文化革命的洗礼,有很多事物已被焚烧或摧毁。余下的少有部分中就剩长城了。它很大也很著名。人们正在努力再次修建长城,但2002年8月份我在那儿的时候我觉得那一定还是古迹。 [00:54.01]Yeah, what else did you see in China? 哦,那你在中国还看见了什么吗? [00:56.15]Ah, I went to Xian and I saw the Terra-cotta warriors. Terra-cotta warriors were discovered shortly after Mao died in the late 70's by a farmer who was digging a well, and he was digging this well and he found all these stone warriors,literally hundreds of them, and it's a national treasure now. 啊,我去了西安,看见了兵马俑。70年代末就在毛泽东主席死后不久,一个在挖井的农民发现了兵马俑。就在他挖井的时候发现了这些石战士,怎么着也有成百上千个。到现在一直是国家的宝贵财富。 [01:19.41]Wow! That's fascinating. 哇!太过瘾了! [01:20.38]Yeah, it's really an impressive thing to see. Those are the two really old man-made things that I saw in China. 是的,当时的情景肯定是让人印象特别深刻。这就是那两个我在中国看到的人工制成的事物。 [01:27.98]Was there anything else that was really spectacular? 那还有其他更壮观的事情吗? [01:30.41]The Three Gorges tour was really good. Sadly they are all under water now because of the dam project, but I was able to go shortly before it was flooded and really, really enjoyed it. Saw a lot of beautiful things. Surprisingly enough the water was a lot cleaner than I thought and I actually went swimming in it. 三峡旅游也是相当棒的。不太满意的就是由于大坝工程人们还都在水下作业,但是还是可以去的,就是不久之后就会被发大水。但我还真的是很喜欢。看到了很多美丽的事物,还惊奇地发现水比我想象的都干净,我甚至都想进去游泳。 [01:50.43]Oh, cool. 哦,太爽了。 [01:51.69]Yeah, for, this is the Yangzhe River in China and if you've ever seen the Yangzhe, most parts of it, you certainly wouldn't want to swim in it, but these parts were pristine. 对,这就是中国的Yangzhe河。如果你曾经见过Yangzhe河的大部分,那你肯定是不想下去游泳,但这些部分却是很原始的。