[00:00.00]Hello, Jason. You're from England. Uh, where are you from in England? Jason,你好。你来自英国。恩那你是从英国的哪个地方来的呢? [00:07.78]I'm from South London. 我来自南伦敦。 [00:09.50]Oh, cool. South London. Why don't you talk about that for a while. 哇,很棒啊南伦敦。你能跟我们谈谈吗?? [00:13.46]OK, well, London is a little bit colder that Japan, it's a little bit more expensive as well, so it is kind of nice to come here and spend my money. 好啊!伦敦比日本冷一些,而且消费水平还高一点儿,所以说来这儿花钱还是不错的。 [00:26.45]So actually, you said South London right? Is that where Wimbleton is? South London? 你说的是南伦敦对吗?是Wimbleton所在的地方吗?南伦敦?? [00:30.24]Wimbleton, No! Wimbleton's in West London. 不,Wimbleton在西伦敦。 [00:33.28]West London! 西伦敦! [00:34.24]Yeah. South London isn't famous for much, really,apart from rude people like me. 是的。南伦敦没那么出名,真的,除了像我这样粗鲁的人。 [00:41.38]So what's the difference between South London and West London and North London? 那南,西和北伦敦都有什么区别呢? [00:45.12]Yeah, there is a big difference between all the places in London. Everyone's got different accents. Everyone acts differently. England has a lot of different places. For example, in North England they'll have different accents, completely different accents, from South England and sometimes even different languages, like in Wales and Scotland, so. 是的。伦敦的各个部分差异是很大的。?大家的口音是不同的,行为表现也有很大的差异。英国有很多不同的地方。比如说,英国的北部和南部就很不一样,人们的口音都是不同的,完全不同,有时甚至连语言都完全不同。威尔士和苏格兰也是这样的。 [01:07.67]So your accent is South London. 那你是南伦敦口音。 [01:09.60]My accent is South London, yeah. Someone from North London would sound completely different from me, and West London and so on, so. 是的,我是南伦敦口音。来自北伦敦的人跟我的口音完全不一样,西伦敦还有其他地区的也是。 [01:16.43]So is South London the best place to live? 那么就是说南伦敦是最适宜居住的地方? [01:18.46]Oh, yeah, of course. Actually, Central London would be but it is way too expensive, kind of like Tokyo. 哦,对的,当然。事实上,伦敦的中部地区物价太高,有点儿像东京。 [01:26.15]OK. Were you born in South London? 好的。你是生在南伦敦吗? [01:28.43]Yeah, I was born in South London. Yeah. But, you know, I've been everywhere in England, so and believe me there's a lot of different places, everywhere is different, so . 对的,我在南伦敦出生。但你知道的,我已经逛遍了英国?,所以请相信我,这有很多不同的地方,而且每一处都是不同的。