[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 92 fast 第92课 熟 [00:07.12]I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell,but she was fast asleep. 我按响了门铃,试图唤醒我的妻子,但她睡得很熟。 [00:15.01]The baby went fast asleep with his mother's caresses. 在母亲的爱抚下,婴儿很快就睡熟了。 [00:20.49]He is fast asleep,and nothing can wake him up. 他睡得很熟,什么也惊不醒他。 [00:25.96]ladder 梯子 [00:30.07]I got a ladder from the shed in the garden,put it against the wall,and began climbing towards the bedroom window. 我从花园的小棚里搬来了一个梯子,把它靠在墙边,开始向卧室的窗口爬去。 [00:40.35]I asked Mary to hold the ladder for me. 我让玛丽帮我扶住梯子。 [00:44.15]He fell off the rope ladder and was hurt badly. 他从绳梯上掉下来,受了重伤。 [00:48.61]shed 棚子 [00:51.11]He spent a whole day building a shed in the garden. 他花了一整天的时间在花园里修了个小棚。 [00:57.33]The beggar sheltered himself from the rain in a shed. 这个乞丐在小棚里躲雨。 [01:01.66]sarcastic 讽刺的 [01:05.36]I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said,"I don't think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night." I dislike the sarcastic tone of his speech. 快要爬到窗口时,下面一个人用讽刺的口吻说:“我看不必在夜里这个时候擦窗子吧。”我不喜欢他说话时嘲讽的腔调。 [01:22.14]The new film was attacked by sarcastic comments. 这部电影遭到了嘲讽。 [01:26.74]tone 语气 [01:30.18]"So do I," answered the policeman in the same tone. “我也是的,”警察用同样的声调回答。 [01:35.42]She was moved by the friendly tone of the letter. 她被这封信的友好语气打动了。 [01:40.51]The tone fo apology indicated her sincerity. 她道歉的口气表明了她的诚心。