[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 85 inform 第85课 告诉 [00:06.37]I have just received a letter from my old school,informing me that my former headmaster,Mr.Stuart Page,will be retiring nest week. 我刚刚收到母校的一封信,通知我说以前的校长斯图亚特·佩奇先生下星期就要退休了。 [00:21.51]He informed me that he would be on a business trip the next week. 他告诉我他下个星期出差。 [00:28.49]I will keep you informed of the latest development. 我将让你不断地了解最新发展。 [00:32.66]headmaster 校长 [00:35.46]He was a respectable headmaster. 他是一个受人尊敬的校长。 [00:39.56]Our old headmaster died of stroke. 我们的老校长死于中风。 [00:45.08]contribute 捐助 [00:48.52]All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which will be sent to the headmaster's home. 所有凑钱买此礼品的人都将把自己的名字签在一本大签名簿上,签名簿将被送到校长家里。 [01:02.37]He contributed 5 million dollars to the charity. 他给慈善事业捐助了500万美元。 [01:08.51]I countributed 100 dollars towards the relief fund. 我为救济基金捐了100美元。 [01:13.41]gift 礼物 [01:17.15]The university received a gift of 2 million dollars from the company. 这所大学收到公司捐来的200万美元。 [01:23.34]You can get a free gift from the store. 你可以得到商店送出的小赠品。 [01:27.02]album 签名簿 [01:30.47]This is a family album. 这是家庭像册。 [01:34.33]The school sent every one of us an album when we graduated. 学校在我们毕业时送给我们每人一本签名簿。 [01:39.56]patience 耐心 [01:43.25]We shall all remember Mr.Page for his poatience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school. 我们不会忘记佩奇先生对我们既有耐心又充满理解,也不会忘记我们不愿去上学时他给予我们的亲切鼓励。 [01:59.11]The nurse has endless patience with the patients. 护士对病人非常有耐心。 [02:04.07]I am a person of little patience. 我是个没有耐心的人。 [02:08.10]encouragement 鼓励 [02:10.33]Without her support and encouragement,I could not graduate from the university. 没有她的支持和鼓励,我不可能大学毕业。 [02:19.01]Her encouragement is an important factor of my success. 他的鼓励是我成功的一个重要因素。 [02:26.83]farewell 告别 [02:29.46]A great many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honour next Thursday. 很多老同学都准备参加下星期四为他举行的告别宴会。 [02:36.23]He bade the hostess farewell. 他向女主人告辞。 [02:42.20]She took her farewell of her friends. 她同朋友告别。 [02:46.13]honour 敬意 [02:49.50]We showed honour to our guests. 我们向客人表示敬意。 [02:53.49]They gave a banquet in honour of the visiting mayor. 他们设宴招待来访的市长。 [02:57.67]coincidence 巧合 [03:02.42]It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement,Mr.Page will have been teaching for a total of forty years. 佩奇先生退休的前一天正好是他执教满40年的日子,这真是巧合。 [03:15.33]It was no coincidence that they both resigned on the same day. 他们俩在同一天辞职不是巧合。 [03:21.25]By coincidence,they met again after losing contact for twenty years. 由于巧合,他们在失去联系20年后又相遇了。 [03:27.57]total 总数 [03:31.08]The jobless total reached 1,000,000 this year. 今年失业总人数达到1,000,000。 [03:36.14]The export volume reached a total of 20 million dollars. 出口总额达到2000万美元。 [03:40.92]devote 致力于 [03:42.36]After he has retired,he will devote himself to gardening. 他退休后,将致力于园艺。 [03:48.46]He devoted his life to peace cause. 他一生致力于和平事业。 [03:55.35]She devoted herself to community service. 她致力于服务社区。 [03:59.36]gardening 园艺 [04:01.12]He has a keen interest in gardening. 他对园艺非常感兴趣。 [04:06.63]hobby 爱好 [04:09.20]For him,this will be an entirely new hobby. 对他来说,这是一种全新的爱好。 [04:16.43]As a workaholic,he has no time to pursue his hobbies. 他是个工作狂,没有时间从事业余爱好。 [04:20.41]He has an expensive hobby-photograghy. 他的爱好是摄影,很昂贵。