[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 78 entitle 第78课 以...命名 [00:07.15]After reading an article entitled "Cigarette Smoking and Your Health",I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. 读完一篇题为《吸烟与健康》的文章之后,我点上支香烟,来镇定一下自己紧张的神经。 [00:19.35]The article entitled "Should Smoking be Banned in the Public Places" attractedd many people's attention. 这篇题为“是否应在公共场合禁止吸烟?”的文章引起了许多人的注意。 [00:31.00]The author entitled his new play Watch it Come down. 作者把他的新剧本命名为《守着它下来》。 [00:35.53]calm 使镇定 [00:39.30]The docotor calmed the patient's anxiety. 医生平息了病人的焦虑情绪。 [00:43.08]She knows how to calm the children's fears. 她知道如何平息孩子的恐惧。 [00:48.01]nerve 神经 [00:50.90]His nerve broke down. 他的神经崩溃了。 [00:54.08]He lost the function of his auditory nerve. 他的听觉神经丧失了功能。 [00:58.70]concentration 集中 [01:03.16]I smoked with concentration and pleasure 我聚精会神又愉快地吸着这支香烟, [01:08.33]as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette. 因为我确信这是我最后一支烟了。 [01:13.53]Children usually have a short span of concentration. 通常孩子们注意力集中的时间很短。 [01:19.00]You need to enhance your concentration. 你要提高注意力。 [01:22.21]suffer 受苦 [01:25.68]For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time,my wife suffered terribly. 整整一个星期我根本没有吸烟,在此期间,我妻子吃尽了苦头。 [01:35.17]He suffered from a stomachache. 他忍受胃疼的痛苦。 [01:38.45]He suffered a lot in the old society. 他在旧社会受了许多苦。 [01:43.75]symptom 症状 [01:46.15]I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking:a bad temper and an enormous appetite. 我具备了戒烟者通常表现出来的所有症状:脾气暴燥和食欲旺盛。 [01:57.54]His clinical symptoms are quite strange. 他的临床症状很奇怪。 [02:03.15]The patient described his symptoms to the doctor. 病人向医生描述他的症状。 [02:07.01]temper 脾气 [02:09.43]The boss lost his temper with his emloyees. 老板对他的雇员发脾气。 [02:14.02]He is of a short temper. 他脾气急燥。 [02:18.63]appetite 胃口 [02:22.42]These delicious dishes sharpened my appetite. 这些可口的菜激起了我的食欲。 [02:26.06]As he was ill,he had a dull appetite. 因为生病,他食欲不振。 [02:32.34]produce 拿出 [02:36.03]They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. 每当我从口袋里掏出一包糖果,他们都毫不掩饰地表现出他们对此感到非常好笑 [02:42.59]He produced a photo of his son's out of his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一张他儿子的照片。 [02:49.06]She produced her passport at the Customs. 她在海关掏出自己的护照。 [02:52.97]urge 力劝 [02:55.45]When my old friend Brian urged me to acceopt a cigarette,it was more than I could bear. 当我的老朋友布赖恩极力劝我接受一支香烟时,我再也忍不住了。 [03:04.18]He urged me to have another drink. 他极力劝我再喝一杯。 [03:10.23]She urged her son to finish the homework before 8. 她敦促儿子在8点之前完成作业。 [03:14.80]satisfaction 满意 [03:17.58]I took one guiltily,lit it and smoked with satisfaction. 我内疚地接过一支点上,心满意足地抽起来。 [03:25.29]To work outside home gives her a sense of satisfaction. 出外工作给了她满足感。 [03:31.10]To our satisfaction,the work was finished on time. 令我们满意的是,工作按时完成。 [03:35.20]delighted 欣喜的 [03:39.07]My wife was delighted that things had returned to normal once more. 一切又恢复了正常,为此我妻子十分高兴。 [03:45.40]I was delighted at my son's admission to Renmin University. 我很高兴儿子被人大录取了。 [03:52.37]They were delighted to learn the victory of their team. 得知他们队获胜的消息,他们非常高兴。