[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 76 fool 第76课 傻瓜 [00:07.38]April Fools's Day 愚人节 [00:11.01]Tom was made a fool of by his colleagues. 汤姆被他的同事们捉弄。 [00:14.56]What a fool the girl in love is! 恋爱中的女孩多傻啊! [00:20.03]"To end our special news," bulletin's said "the voice of over to the macaroni fields of Calabria." “作为我们专题新闻节目的结尾。”电视广播员说,“我们现在到克拉布利亚的通心粉田里。” [00:32.50]The TV play was interrupted by a news bulletin. 电视剧被新闻节目打断。 [00:37.39]What's in today's bulletin? 今天的新闻简报有什么内容? [00:41.13]announcer 播音员 [00:43.38]The annoucer has a beautiful voice. 那个播音员的嗓音很美。 [00:47.43]There is an ad for radio announcers in today's newspaper. 今天的报纸上有一则招聘电台播音员的广告。 [00:53.07]macaroni 通心面 [00:55.60]Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. 通心粉在这个地区已经成为种植了600多年了。 [01:03.34]The Italian macaroni is very tasdteful. 意大利的通心面味道可口。 [01:07.21]Macaroni is served in the Pizza Hut. 必胜客有通心面卖。 [01:10.34]leading 主要的 [01:14.29]Two of the leading growers,Giuseppe Moldova and Riccardo Brabante,tell me crop this year and harvesting had begun earlier than ususal. 两个主要种植者,朱塞皮·莫尔道瓦和里卡多·布拉班特告诉我,他们一直期待着今年获得一个大丰收,收割工作比往年开始得要早些。 [01:32.06]Microsoft is a leading company in the sofeware industry. 微软是软件行业的领头公司。 [01:37.57]Heart attack is the leading killer among the Americans. 美国人的主要致死疾病是心脏病。 [01:43.47]grower 种植者 [01:46.07]Mr.White is a successful fruit grower in this area. 怀特先生是这个地方成功的果农。 [01:51.50]One of the growers went bankrupt last year. 其中的一个种植者去年破产了。 [01:56.27]splendid 极好的 [02:00.05]It is splendid of her to come. 她能来, 这太好了。 [02:02.21]He has a splendid appetite. 他胃口极好。 [02:06.89]stalk 梗 [02:09.43]Here you can see two workers who,between them,have just finished cuting three carloads of golden brown macaroni stalks. 这里您可以看到两个工人,他们协力割下了3车金黄色的通心粉梗。 [02:21.43]Her finger was hurt by a rose stalk. 他的手指被玫瑰花梗划破了。 [02:26.15]The hat is woven with flower stalks. 那顶帽子是由花茎纺织的。 [02:30.63]gather 收庄稼 [02:32.12]The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year's crop before the September rains. 全村的人都日夜奋战,要赶在9月的雨季之前把今年的庄稼收获上来,打完场。 [02:46.17]Farmers were busy gathering crops. 农民正在忙着收割庄稼。 [02:50.54]Little children are gathering flowers in the field. 小孩子们正在田野里采花。 [02:54.99]thresh 打 [02:58.39]In some villages farmers use a machine to thresh wheat. 在一些村子里,农民用机器来打麦。 [03:05.07]They are threshing crops under the scorching sun. 他们正在骄阳下打谷。 [03:08.95]process 加工 [03:12.56]Mrs.Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. 布拉班特太太现在正和负责通心粉加工的当地加工厂的经理交谈。 [03:22.34]Raw materias are porocessed in this factory. 原料是在这家工厂加工的。 [03:27.47]The food processing has been strictly controlled. 食品加工受到严格的控制。 [03:31.84]Signor 先生 [03:35.49]Signor Fratelli,the present champion,has won it every year since 1991. 目前的冠军弗拉特里先生,自1991 年以来,年年获胜。 [03:43.45]present 目前的 [03:46.58]The present manager is my former schoolmate. 现在的这位经理是我原来的校友。 [03:51.59]The present educational system needs improvement. 现行的教育体制需要改进。 [03:56.23]champion 冠军 [03:59.57]France was the champion of the last World Cup. 法国是上届世界杯的冠军。 [04:04.22]The Table tennis world champions in men's and women's singles are from China. 乒乓球的男女单打冠军都来自中国。 [04:11.65]studio 播音室 [04:15.35]We're now going back to the studio. 现在我们回到电视演播室。 [04:19.36]Look Back in Anger is being broadcast from the seventh studio. 《愤怒的回顾》正在由第七演播室播放。 [04:26.00]Many celebrities have come to this studio to give a talk show. 许多名人来过这个演播室作脱口秀节目。