[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 73 week 第73课 星期 [00:04.46]Last week Mrs.Mills went to London. 上星期米尔斯夫人去伦敦。 [00:08.42]I wash my hair twice a week. 我一周洗两次头。 [00:12.19]See you next week! 下周见! [00:14.35]London 伦敦 [00:17.02]I have seen him once in London. 我在伦敦见过他一次。 [00:19.38]He is now studying in a school in London. 他目前在伦敦的一所学校读书。 [00:24.47]Suddenly 突然地 [00:27.13]Suddenly,she saw a man near a bus stop. 突然,她在公共汽车站附近看到一个男人。 [00:31.47]Suddenly,there was a big noise. 忽然一声巨响。 [00:35.16]He turned back suddenly and looked at me. 他忽然转过身来看着我。 [00:39.46]bus stop 公共汽车站 [00:40.40]Is the bus stop far away from here? 车站离这里远吗? [00:46.32]You can take No.28 bus at the nearest bus stop. 你可以在最近的车站搭乘28路车。 [00:50.95]smile 微笑 [00:52.57]The man smiled pleasantly. 这人友好地笑了笑。 [00:56.25]She always smiles in a friendly manner. 她总是友好地微笑着. [00:59.47]What makes you smile? 你干嘛笑呢? [00:03.06]pleasantly 愉快地 [01:05.20]It is pleasantly warm in May. 五月的天气温暖宜人. [01:08.27]The little girl is talking pleasantly with her mother. 小女孩正跟她妈妈愉快地交谈着. [01:13.09]understand(understood,understood) 懂,明白 [01:15.25]He did not understand English! 他不懂英语! [01:18.24]The students can't understand what the teacher says. 学生听不明白教师说的. [01:22.04]He doesn't understand Chinese,try English. 他听不懂中文,用英语试试. [01:27.24]speak(spoke,spoken) 讲,说 [01:29.01]He spoke German. 他讲德语. [01:30.06]Do you speak French? 你说法语吗? [01:33.48]I'd like to speak with you for a minute. 我想跟你说一会儿话. [01:36.69]hand 手 [01:38.56]Then he put his hand into his pocket,and took out a phrasebook. 然后他把手伸进了衣袋,掏出了一本常用语手册. [01:43.36]You hands are tirty,go and wash them. 你的手很脏,去洗洗吧. [01:48.41]He came into the house,with a box in his hands. 他手里拿着盒子,走进屋里. [01:53.59]pocket 衣袋 [01:55.02]He always likes to put some change in his pockets. 他总喜欢在衣袋里放点零钱. [02:00.12]The tickets are in my coat pocket. 票在我的外衣口袋里. [02:03.95]phrasebook 短语手册,常用语手册 [02:02.45]He is carrying a French phrasebook everywhere. 他到处都带着一本法语常用语手册. [02:09.45]Can you find this word in the phrasebook? 你在常用语手册里找到这个字吗? [02:12.97]phrase 短语 [02:15.10]He opend the book and found a phrase. 他翻开书找到一条短语. [02:18.14]If you want to learn English well, 如果你想把英语学好, [02:21.34]you must try to remember more words and phrases. 就必须尽量去记多一些单词和短语. [02:25.35]What's the meaning of this phrase? 这个短语是什么意思? [02:29.17]slowly 缓慢地 [02:30.28]He read the phrase slowly. 他缓缓地读着短语. [02:33.37]He is tired and is slowly walking back home. 他很累,正慢慢地走回家. [02:39.16]The bus moved on very slowly. 公共汽车缓慢前行.