[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 72 racing 第72课 竞赛 [00:07.11]The great racing driver,Sir Malcolm Campbell,was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. 杰出的赛车手马尔科姆·坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里的速度驾车的人。 [00:17.03]He got the racing cup for the third time. 他第三次夺得赛车奖杯。 [00:23.38]The engine of the racing boat broke down suddenly. 赛艇的引擎突然坏了。 [00:27.84]per 每 [00:31.41]Since that time,racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles per hour. 从那时以来,赛车选手已达到每小时600英里的速度。 [00:37.30]Her wage is 300 dollars per week. 她的周薪是300美元。 [00:44.10]Due to the bad weather,cotton yield poer mu is very low this year. 由于天气不好,今年棉花的亩产量很低。 [00:51.28]Utah 犹他 [00:53.49]He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Booneville Salt Flats,Utah. 他于1935年月在犹他州的邦纳维尔盐滩创造了一项新的世界记录。 [01:05.78]horsepower 马力 [01:10.02]It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. 它的车身长30英尺,有一个2,500马力的发动机。 [01:18.15]The car is equipped with a 3,000-horsepower engine. 这辆车配备了3,000马力的发动机。 [01:23.13]The horsepower of the engine is very low. 该发动机的马力很小。 [01:27.55]burst 爆裂 [01:31.49]Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour,he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. 尽管坎贝尔达到了每小时超过304英里的速度,但他很难把汽车控制住,因为在开始的行程中爆了一只轮胎。 [01:49.18]The pipe burst in the cold winter. 水管在寒冷的冬天爆裂了。 [01:53.38]We got the news that the dam burst. 我们得到消息说大坝决口了。 [01:57.03]average 平均的 [01:59.04]After his attempt,Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. 比赛结束后,坎贝尔非常失望地得知他的平均速是299英里。 [02:14.59]The average age of the subjects in the experiement is 25. 实验对象的平均年龄是25。 [02:19.56]What is the average rainfall in the area? 该地区的平均降水量是多少? [02:25.11]footstep 足迹 [02:29.07]Following in his father's footsteps many years later,Sir Malcolm's son,Donald,also set up world record. 很多年之后,马尔科姆爵士的儿子唐纳德路着父亲的足迹,也创造了一项世界记录。 [02:42.22]He saw the footsteps of the savage in the sand. 他看到沙地上野人留下的足迹。 [02:47.54]Who marked the first human footstep on the moon? 谁第一个在月球上留下人类的足迹?