[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 71 awful 第71课 让人讨厌的,坏的 [00:03.56]He's awful! 他讨厌透了! [00:06.05]The weather was awful. 天气太糟糕了。 [00:07.35]His handwriting is awful;I can't read it. 他的书写太糟糕了,我读不了。 [00:12.87]telephone 打电话,电话 [00:14.18]He telephone me four times yesterday,and three times the day before yesterday. 他昨天给我打了4次电话,前天打了3次。 [00:21.18]Someone telephoned you just now. 刚才有人给你打电话了。 [00:23.53]Has Lily telephoned yet? 莉莉打电话来了吗? [00:27.98]time 次(数) [00:29.23]I must have called you ten times. 我肯定给你打了有十次电话了。 [00:32.60]answer 接(电话) [00:34.22]But I didn't answer the phone! 我没有接电话! [00:36.53]No one answered the phone in a great hurry. 没有人来开门。 [00:41.32]He answered the phone in a great hurry. 他急急忙忙地去接电话。 [00:44.28]last 最后一次,前一次的 [00:45.34]Did he telephone again last night? 你昨晚又打电话了吗? [00:50.04]Did you watch the game on TV last night? 他昨天晚上看比赛了吗? [00:54.32]I havn't seen Tom since last year. 我从去年起就没有见过汤姆了。 [00:57.95]phone 电话 [01:00.00]There are many phones for you taday. 今天有很多电话找你。 [01:03.59]She is speaking on the phone now. 她现在正在打电话。 [01:07.05]again 又一次地 [01:09.11]Can you say that again? 你能再说一次吗? [01:11.59]I never saw him again. 我再也没有见过他了。 [01:14.29]say 说 [01:15.34]What did your boss say to him? 你老板是怎么对他说的? [01:19.18]He left without saying goodbye. 他没说再见就离开了。 [01:21.47]what he says is true. 他的话是真的。