[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 70 bullfight 第70课 斗牛 [00:06.54]During a bullfight,a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. 在一次斗牛时,一个醉汉突然溜达到斗牛场中。 [00:16.49]Spain is famous for its bullfight. 西班牙以斗牛出名。 [00:21.31]Many of Hemingway's heroses love bullfight. 海明威的许多主人翁喜欢斗牛。 [00:25.77]drunk 醉汉 [00:28.21]Her husband was a drunk. 她的丈夫是个酒鬼。 [00:33.23]Two drunks fought at the pub. 两个酒鬼在小酒店打架。 [00:36.94]wander 溜达,乱走 [00:40.52]We wandered about the garden to kill time. 我们在花园漫步来消磨时光。 [00:46.06]After school,children wandered in the streets. 放学后,孩子们在街头闲荡。 [00:50.32]ring 圆形竞技场地 [00:55.43]The matador and the bull performed wonderfully in the ring. 斗牛士和公牛在斗牛场中进行着精彩的表演。 [00:59.50]The boxing match was going on in the ring. 拳击比赛正在场中进行。 [01:04.93]unaware 不知道,未觉察的 [01:09.20]The crowd began to shout,but the drunk was unaware of the danger. 人们开始大叫起来,但醉汉却没有意识到危险。 [01:16.20]He was unaware of a hole on the road. 他没有注意到路上有个洞。 [01:22.32]My mother was unaware of my unemployment. 我的母亲不知道我失业了。 [01:26.28]bull 公牛 [01:30.07]The bull was busy with the matador at the time,but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap. 当时那公牛正忙于对付斗牛士,但它突然看见了醉汉,只见他正大声说着粗话,手里挥动着一顶红帽子。 [01:47.01]The Chicago Bulls has lost its former brilliance. 芝加哥公牛队失去了往日的辉煌。 [01:52.20]The bull was irritated by the matador. 这头牛被斗牛士激怒了。 [01:55.84]matador 斗牛士 [02:00.08]The matador had a narrow escape. 这个斗牛士真是死里逃生。 [02:03.33]Spoectators were crazy about the brave matador. 观众们为那个勇敢的斗牛士而疯狂。 [02:08.92]remark 评论 [02:12.43]The speaker's opening remarks were humorous. 演讲者的开场白很幽默。 [02:16.07]His work has received favorable remarks from the critics. 他的作品受到了评论家的好评。 [02:23.75]apparently 明显地 [02:27.31]Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. 对挑衅显然非常敏感的公牛完全撇开斗牛士,直奔醉汉而来。 [02:39.28]Apparently,my parents didn't think this was a good idea. 显然,我父母并不认为这是个好主意。 [02:43.20]Apparently,he has spoiled his child. 显然,他把孩子宠坏了。 [02:49.03]sensitive 敏感的 [02:53.15]She is sensitive to other's feelings. 她对别人的感受很敏感。 [02:56.23]He is very sensitive about his humble origin. 他对自己卑微的出身很敏感。 [03:02.33]criticism 批评 [03:05.34]Her new novel has received many criticisms. 她新写的小说受到了许多批评。 [03:11.33]We should practice criticism and selfcriticism. 我们应该实行批评与自我批评。 [03:15.67]charge 冲上去 [03:19.37]A barking dog charged at him. 一只狗狂吠着朝他冲来。 [03:23.16]He charged out of the train. 他冲下了火车。 [03:27.04]clumsily 苯拙地 [03:29.54]When the bull got close to him,he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass. 当公牛逼近他时,他踉跄地往旁边一闪,牛扑空了。 [03:39.35]The fat man clumsily got himself into the car. 那个胖子笨拙地上了车。 [03:44.03]He walked clumsily in the snow. 他在雪地里艰难地行走。 [03:48.34]bow 鞠躬 [03:51.39]The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed. 观众欢呼起来,醉汉向人们鞠躬致谢。 [03:57.19]The magicain first bowed to the audience. 魔术师先向观众鞠躬。 [04:02.06]The actors bowed their thanks on the stage. 演员们在台上鞠躬致谢。 [04:06.08]safety 安全地带 [04:09.38]By this time,however,three men had come into the ring 然而,此时已有3个人进入斗牛场, [04:15.52]and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. 迅速把醉汉拉到安全地方。 [04:21.48]Soldiers helped the villagers to safety. 战士们把村民转移到安全地带。 [04:25.55]When the air raid occurred,they hurried to the safety. 空袭发生时,他们急忙跑到安全的地方。 [04:30.87]sympathetically 同情地 [04:34.59]Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him,for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to matador. 好像连牛也在为他感到遗憾,因为它一直同情地看着醉汉,直到他的背影消逝,才重新将注意力转向斗牛士。 [04:52.48]He looked at the little girl sympathetically and gave her 10 yuan. 他同情地看着小女孩,给了她10元钱。 [05:01.26]The doctor watched the patient sympathetically. 医生同情地注视着病人。