[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 67 greengrocer 第67课 蔬菜水果零售商 [00:03.14]I was at the greengrocer's. 我在蔬菜水果店里。 [00:08.51]I bought these apples at the greengrocer's. 我在蔬菜水果店里买了这些苹果。 [00:11.12]Is there any greengrocer in this street? 我这条街上有蔬菜水果零售商吗? [00:16.20]absent 缺席的 [00:17.40]He was absent from the meeting. 开会的时候,他没有到场。 [00:21.34]Can you tell me how many people are absent? 你能告诉我有多少人缺席吗? [00:24.78]Monday 星期一 [00:25.53]He was absent on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday. 他星期一,二,三和星期四没去上学。 [00:31.17]Do you have any classes on Monday? 你星期一早上有课吗? [00:36.14]I have to work on Mondays. 我星期一都要上班。 [00:38.80]Tuesday 星期二 [00:40.55]They will come to see me on Tuesday. 他们星期二要来看我。 [00:44.51]Are you free next Tuesday? 你下个星期二有空吗? [00:47.00]Wednesday 星期三 [00:48.54]I am taking my Maths test on Wednesday. 我星期三要考数学。 [00:52.35]I have to get up very early on Wednesday mornings. 我逢星期三早上都要很早起床。 [00:56.52]Thursday 星期四 [00:58.59]We often eat out on Thursday. 星期四我们经常出外面吃饭。 [01:02.51]I will call you on Thursday. 我星期四给你打电话。 [01:05.71]keep 处于 [01:07.03]How are you all keeping? 你们身体都好吗? [01:09.24]He often does sports to keep fit. 他经常运动,保持健康。 [01:14.15]Swimming can help people to keep healthy. 游泳可以使人保持健康。 [01:17.83]spend 度过 [01:19.20]We're going to spend three days in the country. 我们打算到乡下呆三天。 [01:22.48]How did you spend your holiday? 你怎么度过你的假期的? [01:25.53]I spend some time will my parents every month. 每个月,我都花些时间和我父母在一起。 [01:29.89]weekend 周未 [01:31.47]We're going to stay at my mother's for the weekend. 我们打算在我母亲家度周末。 [01:35.08]Have a nice weekend! 周末愉快! [01:37.28]We are having a party this weekend. 这个周末我们将举行晚会。 [01:40.44]Friday 星期五 [01:42.46]Friday,Saturday and Sunday in the country! 星期五,星期六和星期日在乡下过! [01:46.52]Christmas comes on Friday this year. 今年的圣诞节在星期五。 [01:50.44]The salad will arrive on Friday. 沙拉星期五到。 [01:53.69]Saturday 星期六 [01:55.01]He always goes back home on Saturdays. 他星期六总是回家。 [01:59.22]The film will be on this Saturday. 这部电影将在星期六播出。 [02:02.18]Sunday 星期日 [02:04.16]I never have any breakfast on Sundays. 星期天我总是没吃早餐。 [02:07.22]What are you doing this Sunday? 这个星期天你将做什么? [02:11.00]country 乡村 [02:12.01]he went to live in the country when he retired. 他退体后就到农场去生活了。 [02:16.51]Life in the country is quiet. 乡村的生活很宁静。 [02:19.79]lucky 幸运的 [02:21.11]Aren't you lucky! 你们真幸运! [02:23.59]You are lucky;you didn't break your leg. 你很幸动,腿没断。 [02:27.33]John is lucky to get that job. 约翰真幸运,得到了那份工作。