[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 65 Dad 第65课 爸爸 [00:04.29]I'm going to meet some friends,Dad. 我打算去看几个朋友,爸爸。 [00:07.27]The child is looking for his Dad. 小孩正在找他的父亲。 [00:11.09]My Dad loves me very much. 我的父亲很爱我。 [00:14.34]Key 钥匙 [00:16.12]Can I have the key to the front door,please? 我能带上前门的钥匙吗? [00:20.09]I forgot where I had put my keys. 我忘记把钥匙搁哪了。 [00:23.28]I locked keys in the room. 我把钥匙锁房间里了。 [00:26.51]baby 婴儿 [00:28.12]She's not a baby. 她不是小孩子了。 [00:31.07]The mother is feeding her baby. 那个母亲正在喂她的小孩。 [00:34.36]Be quiet,the baby is sleeping now. 小声点!婴儿正在睡觉。 [00:37.88]hear 听见 [00:39.51]Do you hear? 听见了吗? [00:41.19]Can you hear me? 你听见我了吗? [00:43.48]Speak louder so that we can hear you. 说大声点,那样我们就能听见你了。 [00:46.97]enjoy 玩得快活 [00:49.23]Enjoy yourself! 好好玩吧! [00:51.43]Did you enjoy the film? 你喜欢那部电影吗? [00:54.35]I enjoy reading every much. 我喜欢读书。 [00:57.21]yourself 你自已 [00:58.52]Help yourself to some fish. 你自已夹点鱼吃吧。 [01:02.46]Believe in yourself. 要相信自已。 [01:05.29]ourselves 我们自已 [01:08.08]We always enjoy ourselves,Mum. 我们总是玩得很开心的,妈妈。 [01:11.20]We will have to bring food ourselves. 我们自已得带食物。 [01:14.45]Do we have to go there ourselves? 我们得去那里吗?