[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 64 play 第64课 玩 [00:03.45]Don't play with matches. 不要玩火柴! [00:06.57]The children are playing in the garden. 孩子们正在花园里玩。 [00:09.25]He likes to play with his little son when he is at home. 他在家的时候喜欢跟他的儿子玩。 [00:14.66]match 火柴 [00:16.18]I want a box of matches,please. 请给我拿一盒火柴。 [00:19.30]Don't strike a match;I can smell gas. 不要划火柴,我闻到煤气味。 [00:23.01]talk 谈话 [00:23.47]Don't talk in the library! 不要在图书馆谈话! [00:27.01]Have you talked with your parents about this? 关于这件事,你跟父母说过了吗? [00:31.06]Who were you talking with just now? 你刚才在跟谁说话呢? [00:34.23]library 图书馆 [00:36.24]I borrowed some books from the library today. 我今天在图书馆里借了些书。 [00:39.51]Can you tell me how to get to the library? 你能告诉我怎么去图书馆吗? [00:42.95]drive 开车 [00:43.52]Don't drive so quickly! 车不要开得这么快! [00:47.11]Can you drive? 你会开车吗? [00:48.16]He drives to work every day. 每天他都自已开车上班。 [00:51.70]so 如此地 [00:53.31]The boy is so clever that he answers the question in no time. 这个男孩很聪明,很快就回答了问题。 [00:58.43]It's so noisy here. 这里很吵闹。 [01:00.80]quickly 快地 [01:01.50]Open the door,quickly. 快点开门。 [01:04.17]He crossed the road quickly. 他很快就过了马路。 [01:07.08]lean out of 身体探出 [01:08.21]Don't lean out of the window! 不要把身体探出窗外! [01:10.39]Don't lean out of the bus window. 不要把身体探也车窗外。 [01:14.52]You mustn't lean out of the window while the car's moving. 车子前进的时候,你不能把身体探出窗外。 [01:19.09]break 打跛 [01:19.49]Don't break that vase! 不要打破花瓶! [01:23.04]Who has broken the glass window? 谁把窗玻璃打破了。 [01:26.49]Sorry,I have broken your pen. 对不起,我把你的钢笔弄坏了。 [01:30.11]noise 喧闹声 [01:32.06]Don't make a noise! 不要喧哗! [01:34.46]There's so much noise outside. 外面太吵了。 [01:38.06]Can you hear the noise? 你听得到噪音吗?