[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 61 feel 第61课 感觉 [00:03.33]He feels ill. 他觉得不舒服了。 [00:07.06]How are you feeling now? 你现在觉得怎么样了? [00:08.36]He felt sad after reading the letter. 他读完后觉得很伤心。 [00:12.49]look 看(起来) [00:11.48]He looks ill. 他看上去是病了。 [00:15.58]The picture looks nice. 这幅画很好看。 [00:18.24]My mother looks angry. 我母亲看起来很生气。 [00:20.82]must 必须 [00:22.59]We must call the doctor. 我们得去请医生。 [00:25.48]I must be off now. 我得走了。 [00:28.15]We must finish the homework now. 我们现在得完成作业。 [00:31.15]call 请 [00:32.51]I will call the police if you don't leave now. 你再不走我就叫警察了。 [00:36.41]I think we should call the doctor as soon as possible. 我们应该尽快请医生来。 [00:40.81]doctor 医生 [00:42.15]You'd better go to see the doctor. 你最好去看看医生。 [00:44.16]He wants to be a doctor in the future. 他将来想成为一个医生。 [00:48.41]telephone 电话 [00:50.09]Can you remember the doctor's telephone number? 你还记得医生的电话号码吗? [00:53.46]Excuse me,may I use your telephone? 打搅一下,我可以借用你的电话吗? [00:57.28]The telephone is ringing. 电话正在响。 [00:59.27]remember 记得,记住 [01:01.12]I will remember the day forever. 我将永远记得那一天。 [01:04.36]I can't remember when he called. 我不记得他什么时候打的电话。 [01:07.60]mouth 嘴 [01:08.41]Open your mouth,Jimmy. 把嘴张开。 [01:10.42]Don't speak with your mouth full of food. 吃东西的时候最好不要说话。 [01:14.37]I don't want anyone to know this,so you'd better keep your mouth shut. 我不想别人知道这件事,所以你最好不说。 [01:19.71]tongue 舌头 [01:21.20]Show me your tongue. 让我看看你的舌头。 [01:23.09]He bit his own tongue while eating. 他吃东西的时候自已咬到了舌头。 [01:27.02]She's so thirsty that she ran her tongue over her lips. 她很口渴,用舌头舔了舔自已的嘴唇。 [01:31.40]bad 坏的,严重的 [01:32.13]He has a bad cold. 他得了重感冒。 [01:35.38]The food has gone bad. 食物已经变坏了。 [01:38.23]The weather is so bad that we all have to stay at home. 天气很恶劣,我们都得呆在家里。 [01:42.36]cold 咸冒 [01:44.18]I caught a cold yesterday. 我昨天感冒了。 [01:46.01]How's your cold now? 你感冒现在怎么样了? [01:49.32]news 消息 [01:51.28]That's good news for Jimmy. 对吉米来说,这可是个好消息。 [01:53.08]What's the latest news? 最新消息是什么? [01:57.02]My parents listen to the news on the radio every day. 我父母每天都在用收音机听新闻。