[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 54 sticky 第54课 粘的 [00:07.36]In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flower and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. 不一会儿我就忙着调拌起了黄油和面粉,很快我的手上就沾满了粘粘的面糊。 [00:20.08]These sticky sweets do harm to children's teeth. 这些粘牙的糖果对孩子的牙齿有害。 [00:26.06]My fingers are sticky with jam. 我的手指黏糊糊的都是果酱。 [00:29.52]finger 手指 [00:33.38]I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates. 我用两个沾满面糊的手指捏起了话筒。当我听出是海伦·贝茨的声音时,非常丧气。 [00:46.20]I cut my finger. 我把手指割破了。 [00:47.36]He couldn't put his finger on the problem. 他无法指出问题的所在。 [00:52.45]pie 馅饼 [00:56.24]I love apple pies. 我喜欢吃苹果派。 [00:59.01]His mother-in-law always treats him with pumpkin pies. 他的岳母总是用南瓜馅饼招待他。 [01:05.70]mix 混合,拌和 [01:10.09]Father mixed cement,sand and stones;he was going to build a shed in the garden. 父亲把水泥,沙和石头搅拌在一起,他准备在花园里建一个小棚。 [01:20.08]I mixed two wines together. 我把两种酒混合在一起. [01:22.98]pastry 面糊 [01:27.30]There was pastry on my fingers,on the telephone,and on the doorknobs. 我的手指上,电话机上以及门的把手上,都沾满了面糊。 [01:37.58]There are different kinds of pastries at the tea time. 下午茶时有各种点心. [01:42.40]Her coat was dotted with pastry. 她的外套沾满了面糊。 [01:47.40]annoying 恼人的 [01:51.31]Nothing could have been more annoying. 没有什么能比这更恼人的。 [01:54.37]He did away with the annoying habit. 他改掉了恶习。 [02:00.22]It was annoying to be distracted during the study. 学习时被干扰真令人生气。 [02:03.98]receiver 电话的话筒 [02:06.04]At last I hung up the receiver. 我终于挂上了话筒。 [02:11.20]He picked up the rceiver. 他拿起话筒。 [02:14.39]She replaced the receiver. 她把听筒放回原处。 [02:18.82]dismay 失望,泄气 [02:23.07]I was dismayed to learn that the lecture was cancelled. 得知讲座取消了我很失望。 [02:27.44]He was dismayed to see that his opponent was such a strong person. 看到对手这么强壮,他泄气了。 [02:33.36]recognize 认出,听出 [02:38.00]I failed to recognize her in the dark. 黑暗中我没有认出她。 [02:41.47]He recognized her handwriting. 他认出了她的笔迹。 [02:45.51]persuade 说服,劝说 [02:49.31]It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. 我用了10分钟的时间才说服她过会儿再来电话。 [02:54.38]He persuaded his son into studying abroad. 他说服儿子去国外读书。 [03:01.21]I persuaded her to change her mind. 我劝她改变了主意。 [03:04.58]mess 乱七八糟 [03:07.37]What a mess! 真是糟透了! [03:12.39]The room was a mess after the party. 聚会后房间脏得一塌糊涂。 [03:15.24]His life was a mess. 他的生活一团糟。 [03:19.18]doorknob 门把手 [03:22.00]He turned the doorknob and opened the door. 他扭动门把手,把门打开。 [03:28.17]There was something wrong with the doorknob. 门把手出了问题。 [03:31.70]sign 签字 [03:36.01]This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter! 这次是邮递员,他要我签收一封挂号信! [03:43.30]He signed his name on the contract. 他在合同上签了名。 [03:49.28]She forgot to sign her name at the bottom of the letter. 她忘了在信末签名。 [03:53.32]register 挂号邮寄 [03:57.14]I want to register this parcel. 我想挂号邮寄包裹。 [04:00.04]He went to the post office and registered a letter. 他去邮局寄了封挂号信。