[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 53 hot 第53课 带电的,充电的 [00:06.46]Hot snake 触电的蛇 [00:10.39]Water is boiling hot. 水滚烫。 [00:13.43]I love a hot bath in the cold weather. 天冷时我喜欢洗个热水澡。 [00:18.30]fireman 消防队员 [00:22.24]At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. 消防员们终于扑灭了加利福尼亚的一场森林大火。 [00:29.10]A fireman was missing in the fire. 消防队员在火灾中失踪。 [00:33.45]The firemen fought bravely with the fire. 消防队员奋战大火。 [00:37.01]cause 引起 [00:41.23]Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. 森林火灾时常由破碎的玻璃或人们随手扔掉的香烟头引起。 [00:53.04]What caused the accident? 是什么引起的这场事故? [00:58.32]The cause of the plane crash has not been identified. 飞机失事的原因还未确定。 [01:03.19]examine 检查 [01:07.07]Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully,but were not able to find any broken glass. 昨天,消防队员仔细查看了地面,但未能发现碎玻璃。 [01:17.57]The doctor examined the patient carefully. 医生仔细地给病人作检查。 [01:22.04]He examined the engine and found everything was O.K. 他检查了引擎,发现一切正常。 [01:28.95]accidentally 意外地,偶然地 [01:33.50]This morning,however,a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. 然而今天上午,一个消防队员偶然发现了起火的原因。 [01:39.42]He learned the truth accidentally. 他偶尔得知了真相。 [01:45.04]The patient accidentlly learned that he had got a cancer. 病人意外地得知自己得了癌症。 [01:49.39]remains 尸体,残骸 [01:54.29]He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. 他发现了一条死蛇缠绕在16,000 伏高压线上。 [02:07.38]The divers found the remains of the ancient ship. 潜水员找到了古代船只的残骸。 [02:12.13]A new city was built on the remains of the buildings. 在建筑物的废墟上建起了一座新城。 [02:17.74]wire 电线 [02:21.37]The snake then wound itself round the wires. 于是蛇就缠住了几根电线。 [02:27.15]This is the insulated wire. 这是绝缘线。 [02:31.44]The wire broke in the storm. 电线在暴风雨中短路了。 [02:34.76]volt 伏特 [02:38.45]Volt was named after its discoveror. 伏特是由它的发现者命名的。 [02:44.14]A 16,000-volt power line is very dangerous. 16.000伏高压线很危险。 [02:49.55]power line 电力线 [02:52.42]The power line of this city is very complex. 该城市的电力线很复杂。 [02:59.33]The power line of the city has a well maintanence. 这个城市的电力线维修得很好。 [03:04.30]solve 解决 [03:09.26]In this way,he was able to solve the mystery. 就这样,他解开了(起火)之迷。 [03:14.02]With his experience,he solved the problem quickly. 借助经验,他很快解决了问题。 [03:20.06]At the moment,no one solved the puzzle. 此刻,没有人解决这个难题。 [03:24.53]mystery 谜 [03:28.16]It is a mystery to me why he lives in solitude. 他为什么隐居,这对我是个迷。 [03:31.40]Nature has a lot of mysteries. 自然界有很多奥秘。 [03:37.05]snatch 抓住 [03:39.55]A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. 一只鸟把蛇从地上抓起来,然后把它扔到了电线上。 [03:50.24]A hawk snatched up a rabbit from the grass. 老鹰从草地上抓起一只兔子。 [03:55.52]He snatched up the vase before it dropoped. 他在花瓶掉下来之前一把抓住了它。 [04:00.95]spark 电火花 [04:03.13]When it did so,it sent spoarks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire. 当它这样做时,把火花送到了地面,这些火花立刻引起了一场大火。 [04:15.03]Striking two stones can produce spoark. 擦打两块石头可以产生火花。 [04:19.51]Some forest fires are caused by sparks. 一些森林火灾是由电火花引起的。