[00:00.00]Lesson 53 evolve 第53课 逐渐形成,发展 [00:06.34]Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen 瑞典已逐渐开成了一种完善的制度,保护公民不受专横、 [00:13.49]from high handed or incompetent public officers. 不称职的政府官员的欺压。 [00:19.34]It is believed that mankind evolved from the apes. 有人认为人是从类人猿演化而来的。 [00:24.88]The factory evolved a new financial system. 工厂形成了一种一套新的财政制度。 [00:30.24]high-handed 高压的,专横的 [00:33.99]We have got used to his high-handed way. 我们已经习惯了他那套高压作风。 [00:39.14]It was rather high-handed of him to take that decision without consulting others first. 他太专横,没有和大家商量就做出了 那个决定。 [00:45.78]incompetent 不够格的,不称职的 [00:48.97]Not that he is incompetent,but that he lacks experience. 他并不是不称职,只是缺乏经验。 [00:54.73]He dismissed all the incompetent managers the first thing after he took over the company. 他接掌公司的第一件事就是把所有的不称职的管理人员一律解雇。 [01:04.59]over-zealously 过分热情的 [01:08.31]The Swedes were the first to recognize that public officials like civil servants, 瑞典人首先意识到公务员,如文职人员、 [01:15.47]police officers,or tax-collectors can make mistakes 警官,卫生稽查员、税务官等等也会犯错误, [01:22.98]or act over-zealously in the belief they are serving the public. 或者自以为在为公众服务而把事情做了头。 [01:29.73]The very fact that he acted over-zealously to find the thief, 他过分热心地张罗着抓贼反而暴露了他, [01:35.64]which was quite unlike his usuas self,betrayed him. 因为太不像他平时的为人了。 [01:41.78]Reba means well;she just tends to act a little over-zealously. 瑞芭是好意,只不过是有时候好心过了头。 [01:47.58]safeguard 保护 [01:50.83]As long ago 1869,the Swedish Parliament introduced a scheme to safeguard the interest of the individual. 早在1869年,瑞典议会就建立了一个保护公民利益的制度。 [02:03.74]The first duty of a government is to safeguard its people against external aggression. 政府地首要责任昌保护人民不受外来侵略。 [02:12.05]Must not the safety of society be safeguarded by some punishment? 为了保证社会的安宁,难道不需要有一种刑罚吗? [02:18.64]parliamentary 国会的 [02:21.55]The country does not have a parliamentary political system. 那个国家没有一种议会政治制度。 [02:27.09]This is in keeping with the parliamentary procedure. 这是符合国会程序的。 [02:33.30]qualified 合格的,称职的 [02:36.09]A parliamentary committee representing all political parties 议会内有一个代表各政党利益的委员会, [02:41.93]appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances. 由它委派一位称职的人选专门调查个人意见。 [02:49.84]The post requires qualified office personnel. 这个称职需要称职的公务人员。 [02:55.48]It is up to chairman to decide whether he is qualified to serve in the board. 他是否有资格进入委员会得由主席决定。 [03:03.23]grievance 不平,冤屈 [03:06.18]A parliamentary committee representing all political parties 议会内有一个代表各政党利益的委员会, [03:11.68]appionts who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances. 由它委派一位称职的人选为门调查个人意见。 [03:19.38]He had alternately whined about his grievances. 他哼哼唧唧地诉说他受的委屈。 [03:24.43]Maggie had kept silent about her grievance. 麦琪对她的冤屈一直保持沉默。 [03:29.88]Justiteombudsman (瑞典的)司法特派员 [03:34.69]The official title of the person is Justiteombudsman, 这个人的官衔是“司法特派员” [03:41.73]but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the 'J O'or 'Ombudsman'. 但瑞典人一般都管他叫“J O’即”特派员”。 [03:50.09]ombuduman 司法特派员 [03:53.52]secretive 保密的 [03:56.93]There is nothing secretive about the Ombudman's work,for his correspondnce is open to public inspection. 司法特派员的工作没有任何秘密可言,他的信件是公开的,供公众监督。 [04:08.28]Some firms were secretive, 有些企业保守秘密, [04:12.34]to a point that they do not even inform their joint venture partner of the exact location. 准确地点连合作伙伴都没有告诉。 [04:20.24]correspondence 来往信件 [04:23.89]We have a heavy correspondence to deal with. 我们有很多信件需要处理。 [04:29.39]The dramatist got his correspondence published. 剧作家把他的通信出版了。 [04:35.04]alter 改变 [04:37.79]He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered. 他可以温各地批评某位官员,甚至可以向议会提议修改某项法律。 [04:48.44]Processing and storage may alter plant vitamin content. 加工和贮藏会改变作物中维生素的含量。 [04:54.19]The order of the earlier chapters were altered. 前几章的次序被更动了。 [04:59.04]accusation 谴责,指控,指责 [05:03.19]There was nothing in the record to show that the foreigner's complaint was justified 记录中没有任何文字记载证明外国人反映的情况属实 [05:10.04]and the Chief of Police strongly denied the accusation. 警察局长对这一指控也失口否认。 [05:16.64]How do you answer the accusation that your policies have caused high unemployment? 你们的政府造成了高失业率,对这个指责你们如何答复? [05:24.24]Christabel joked she would make an accusation against the baker 克里斯塔贝尔开玩笑说她要对面点师提出指控, [05:30.69]who made far too delicious muffins for her figure. 他做的松饼太美味了,对她保持体形不利。 [05:36.19]ascertain 查出、查明 [05:39.39]The lawyer ascertained that a policeman had indeed dealt roughly with foreigners on several occasions. 律师查明的确有个警察多次粗鲁地对待外国人。 [05:50.35]The previously unidentified object has now been definitely ascertained as satellites. 先前的不明飞行物现在已经查明了是卫星。 [05:58.59]prejudiced 有偏见的,不公平的 [06:02.04]The fact that the policeman was prejudiced against foreigners could not be recorded in the official files. 官方档案不可能记载警察歧视外国人的事。 [06:11.34]Don't ask him;he is prejudiced. 别问他,他有成见。 [06:16.74]prompt 及时的,即时的 [06:20.11]The Ombusman's prompt action at once put an end to an unpleasant practice which might have gone unnoticed. 司法特派员及时采取行动,迅速制止了这一不愉快的事件,不然很可能就不了了之了。 [06:31.30]Prompt actionis necessary. 应该马上采取行动。 [06:36.19]The response was both prompt and starling. 答复迅速而又使人惊讶。