[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 50 ride 第50课 旅行 [00:06.51]Taken for a ride. 乘车兜风 [00:10.32]It is only a 20-minute bus ride. 只有20分钟的车程。 [00:15.37]They took a long airplane ride to get toi New York. 他们乘长时间的飞机到达纽约。 [00:19.87]excursion 远足 [00:23.47]I went on an excursion recently,but my trip took me longer than I expected. 最近我作了一次短途旅行,但这次旅行所花费的时间比我预计的要长。 [00:33.39]Last year,they made an excursion to Suzhou. 去年他们去苏州旅行。 [00:39.04]I joined their excursion. 我加入了他们的远足。 [00:41.65]conductor 售票员 [00:44.44]"I'm going to Woodford Green,"I said to the conductor as I got on the bus,"but I don't know where it is." "我要去伍德福德草地,"我一上车就对售票员说,“但我不知道它在哪儿。” [00:58.29]The conductor is very friendly. 那个售票员很友好。 [01:02.33]The conductor reminded passengers to keep on guard against the thief. 售票员提醒乘客谨防小偷。 [01:08.05]view 景色 [01:11.54]I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. 我坐在汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光。 [01:18.11]The view of the Three Gorges is fascinating. 三峡的风光很迷人。 [01:22.03]She had a beautiful view at the top of the mountain. 在山顶上她欣赏到了美丽的景色。