[00:00.00]Lesson 49 rambling 第49课 布局凌乱的,结构松散的 [00:06.64]She had a huge,rambling country house called'The Gables." 她有一栋巨大的乡间别墅,布局凌乱,名叫“山墙庄园”。 [00:12.19]Behind him stood his house,great,rambling and very new. 他身后是他的新房子,宽敞而凌乱。 [00:18.84]This brilliant,rambling satires is written in a colloquiql style. 这篇出色、结构松散的讽刺诗是用口语体写的。 [00:24.94]sentimentally 感情上地,多情地 [00:27.93]She was sentimentally attached to this house, 她对这栋房子的感情很深, [00:32.43]for even though it was far too big for her needs, 丈夫去世多年后仍执意住在里面。 [00:37.70]she persisted in living there long after her husband's death. 其实她一个人根本不需要这么大的房子。 [00:43.54]Sentimentally,I would not blame her. 从感情上来讲,我是不愿意责备她的。 [00:48.59]Ned was sentimentally attached to rainy season which reinded him of the place he had been brought up. 奈德对雨季很有感情,因为这使他回忆起从小长大的地方。 [00:59.54]lavishly 慷慨地,大方地 [01:01.69]Before she grew old,Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly. 哈特丽姑妈年轻时,常常大摆筵席,招待宾客。 [01:09.17]Mr.Hart spent money lavishly. 哈特先生花钱很大方。 [01:13.84]Bloom is a true emotional spendthrift who uses his feelings lavishly. 布卢姆是个真正的滥情者。 [01:20.90]immaculate 清洁的,无污点的 [01:24.15]No matter how many guests were present,the great house was always immaculate. 不管有多少客人,房子里总是打扫的干干净净。 [01:31.15]His gym shoes were immaculate in spite of the rain. 尽管下雨,他脚上那双运动鞋仍然干干净净。 [01:36.44]parquet 镶木地板 [01:39.07]The parquet floors shone like mirrors, 镶木地板光洁如镜, [01:44.10]highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets, 擦得发亮的银器陈列在玻璃柜里。 [01:50.15]even my uncle's huge collection of books were kept miraculously free from dust. 连姑夫的藏书也奇迹般地保存得一尘不染。 [01:58.65]He slipped as he tried to waltz on the parquet floor. 他想在镶木地板上旋几个舞步,滑倒了。 [02:03.99]The paruet floor is infinitely preferable to carpets. 木地板比地毯不知好多少倍。 [02:09.45]preside 主持,指挥 [02:12.39]Aunt Harriet presided over an invisible army of servants that continuously scrubbed,cleaned,and polished. 哈丽特姑妈统率着一支看不见的用人大军一天到晚地刷呀,洗呀,抹呀的。 [02:24.75]Who is going to preside at the meeting? 谁主持会议? [02:29.31]This man prresided over a company whose profit has been rising at a rate of 15% a year. 这个人主管着一个年利润以15%的速度递增的公司。 [02:39.61]invisible 看不见的,无形的 [02:42.35]The heat of the sun turns the sea water into invisible vapor. 太阳热把海水变成了看不见的水气。 [02:48.41]He was in no danger whatever,but he imagined invisible threats. 他什么危险都没有,但他自己想像出一大堆无形的威胁。 [02:55.25]scrub 擦拭,刷洗 [02:58.52]She and her nurses got down on their knees and scrubbed floors. 她同她的护士们跪下来擦洗地板。 [03:03.97]You'll have to scrub hard to get that stain out. 你得用力擦,才能把那块污迹去掉。 [03:08.83]enlightened 开朗的 [03:12.03]Though my aunt pursued what was,in thosr days.an enlightened policy, 姑妈待用人在当时算开明的, [03:18.63]in that she never allowed her domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day. 从来不让他们每天的工作超过8小时, [03:24.98]she was extremely difficult to please. 但他们很使他称心如意。 [03:29.72]To me my parents pursue what they call an enlightened policy. 我的父母对我奉行所谓的“开明政策”。 [03:36.58]My friend is lucky enough to be enslaved by an enlightened boss. 我的朋友很走运,被一个开明的老板奴役。 [03:42.52]fickleness 变化无常 [03:45.23]While she always criticized the fickleness of human nature, 她总是批评人性反复无常, [03:50.49]she carried on an unrelenting search 可是却又一直锲而不舍地寻觅“理想用人” [03:55.05]for the ideal servant to the end of her days,even after she had been sadly disillusioned in Bessie. 既使在贝西让她大失所望以后也没放弃。 [04:06.65]Fickleness of the opposite sex is a favoritte subject with eithermen or women. 男人和女发都喜欢谈论对方的反复无常。 [04:13.96]I've lived in this town for four years 我在这座城住了四年了。 [04:18.11]but still can't come to terms with the fickleness of its weather. 可是仍不习惯当地天气变化无常。 [04:23.21]unrelenting 不屈不挠的,人松懈的 [04:26.21]Her unrelenting efforts made the project a success. 她坚持不懈地努力使计划获得了成功。 [04:32.78]This time our chase will be unrelenting. 这一次我们将追踪到底。 [04:37.66]disillusion 使幻想破灭。 [04:40.61]Don't say anything to disillusion them. 别给他们泼冷水。 [04:45.26]Mike is dreadfully disillusioned. 麦克的希望悲惨的破灭了。 [04:49.26]industriousness 勤奋 [04:52.46]Aunt Harriet could not find words to praise Bessie's industriousness and efficiency. 哈丽特姑妈简直不知该怎么夸赞贝西的勤劳能干才好。 [05:00.37]His industriousness is well-known 他的勤奋是出了名的 [05:04.77]since he is only seen scuttling between his room and the library. 天天只见他在宿舍和图书馆之间穿梭。 [05:10.97]qualification 资格,水平,本领 [05:14.21]In addition to all her other qualifications,Bessie was an expert cook. 除了其他本领,贝西还是个烹饪高手。 [05:21.34]We all dread the oral qualification exam. 大家都怕口语资格考试。 [05:26.72]Her qualifications survived the tough tests. 她的水平经受了严格考试的检验。 [05:31.82]mirth 欢笑,高兴 [05:35.12]Though this caused great mirth among the guests,Aunt Harriet was horrified. 这件事引起了客人们的欢笑,可是哈丽特姑妈却着实吓了一跳。 [05:43.22]As the party went on,you could hear the mirth coming from the house. 聚会进行时,你能听到屋里传出来的欢声笑语。 [05:49.32]Nick giggled;the first exprression of mirth he had exhibited. 尼克吃吃地笑了,他第一次显出开心的模样。 [05:55.07]cellar 地窖,酒窖 [05:57.97]They had mysteriously found their way there from the wine cellar. 它们神不知鬼不觉地从酒窖来到了这里。 [06:03.52]To claim any knowledge of wine one must at least own a cellar. 谁要说自己对葡萄酒有发言权起码得有个酒窖。