[00:00.00]Lesson 48 inaccessible 第48课 难以接近的,达不到的 [00:06.29]In this much-travelled world, 在这个游泳频繁的世界上, [00:09.67]there are still thousands of places which are inaccessible to tourists. 仍有成千上万人迹难至的地方。 [00:16.04]The road is blocked,so the town is now inaccessible. 路被堵住了,所以现在进不了城。 [00:21.43]hospitable 好客的 [00:25.38]We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable. 人们总是以为偏僻地方的村民热情好客。 [00:31.95]The chief was so hospitable that he invited his guests to join him in the Hall of Ancestors. 酋长十分殷勤好客,甚至请他的客人跟他一块到祖先的灵堂里去。 [00:41.95]It does not take much to be a hospitable host. 做一个好客的主人不需要很高的条件。 [00:46.50]hostile 不友好的,有敌意的 [00:49.57]But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists 但是,那既不接触外国游客, [00:55.12]but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers. 本国同胞也不来往的人有可能对旅行者抱有敌意。 [01:01.26]Generally speaking,the universe is hostile to man. 一般来说,宇宙对人是不友好的。 [01:06.63]Billy threw them a hostile glance. 比利的眼光带着敌意。 [01:11.03]vicinity 周围,近邻 [01:14.33]We had spent several days in a small town and visited a number of old churches in the vicinity. 我们在一座小镇上逗留了几天,参观了附近许多古老的教堂。 [01:24.38]There are quite a few scenic spots in the vicinity of Beijing. 北京周围有不少风景区。 [01:30.35]There,as the other corners in this vicinity,a policeman was stationed. 那儿和这一带其他角落一样,也有一胩警察站岗。 [01:36.70]architectural 建筑的 [01:40.45]These attracted many visitors,for they were not only of great archetectural interest, 这些教堂吸引了大批游客,不仅仅是因为建筑风格奇特, [01:49.67]but contained a large number of beautifully preserved frescoes as well. 而且还有大量保存完好的壁画。 [01:55.71]The designer started on some new architectural plans. 设计师开始几项新的设计计划。 [02:01.29]These buildings have a strong,simple architectural appeal. 这些大楼具备坚实,朴素的建筑感染力。 [02:06.63]fresco 壁画 [02:09.77]The medium of fresco makes great demands on a painter's techinical skill. 壁画这种绘画形式对画家的技巧有很高要求。 [02:16.59]Michaeangelo's paintings in the Sistine Chapel are the most famous of all frescoes. 米开朗琪罗在西斯廷教堂的壁画是世界上最著名的壁画。 [02:23.73]abruptly 突然地,意外地 [02:26.42]We expected the path to end abruptly but we found that it traced its way throught the trees. 我们原以为小路会到此为止没想到它在树林中继续往前延伸。 [02:35.74]They laughed,then fell silent abruptly. 他们大笑了一阵,接着突然不做声了。 [02:40.34]He abruptly took his leave. 他突然走了。 [02:44.09]tramp 徒步行进 [02:46.74]We tramped through the wood for over two hours until we arrived at a deep stream. 我们在林中跋涉了两个多小时来到了一条深深的小溪边。 [02:53.81]Maggie tramped with a gypsie to their camp. 麦琪跟着一个吉普赛步行到了他们的营地。 [02:58.32]moor (用绳、链、锚)系(船) [03:00.72]Suddenly my wife spotted a boat moored to the bank. 突然,妻子发现岸边泊着一条不船。 [03:06.07]We moored in and waited for a high tide. 我们泊了船,等待涨潮。 [03:11.11]Sailors moored their boat to a dock and went onshore. 水手们把船停靠在码头上,上岸去了。 [03:16.31]ferry (用渡船)运 [03:19.22]We gently woke him up and asked him to ferry us to the other side. 我们轻轻地把他唤醒,请他把我们摆渡过河。 [03:25.53]The fisherman ferries the children to and from school in a boat. 渔夫用船接送孩子上学。 [03:31.95]Red cells ferry oxygen throughout the body. 红血球将氧气运送到全身。 [03:37.24]straggle 蔓延,散乱分布 [03:40.15]The place consisted of a straggling unmade road which was lined on either side by small houses. 这儿有一条未经修筑的弯弯曲曲的道路,两边排列着一些矮小的房子。 [03:50.55]He looked terrible,rather bald with a straggling beard. 他的样子很可怕、头秃得厉害,胡子乱蓬蓬的。 [03:56.86]Houses straggled across the countryside. 房子零乱地散布在乡间。 [04:01.52]dilapidated 陈旧破烂的,倒塌的 [04:05.23]Sitting down on a dilapidated wooden fence near the field, 我们在田边一堵倒塌的篱笆墙上坐下来, [04:10.92]we opened a couple of tins of sardines and had a picnic lunch. 打开几听沙丁鱼罐头,吃了一顿野外午餐。 [04:17.37]In the meantime, the place became dilapidated,the wind whistled through the cracked walls. 这个时候,这个地方变得破败不堪,风从裂缝里呼呼地直灌进来。 [04:27.17]The pair of dilapidted sandals were beside her chair. 破凉鞋在她的椅子旁边搁着。 [04:32.87]sardine 沙丁鱼,沙丁鱼罐头 [04:35.92]Sitting down on a dilapidated wooden fence near the field, 我们在田边一堵倒塌的篱笆墙上坐下来, [04:41.07]we opened a couple of tins of sardines and had a picnic lunch. 打开几听沙丁鱼罐头,吃了一顿野外午餐。 [04:47.33]His baits were the sardines the boy had given him. 他的鱼饵是孩子们给的沙丁鱼。 [04:52.87]The commuters were packed into metro like sardines in a can. 上下班的人把地铁挤得像沙丁鱼罐头一样。 [04:58.58]rag 破烂衣服 [05:01.78]Looking up I saw that we were surrounded by children in rags 我抬头一看,发现我们被一群衣衫褴褛的小孩团团围住了 [05:07.89]who were looking at us silently as we ate. 他们默不作声地看着我们吃饭。 [05:12.28]She could not possibly be seen in such a rag. 穿得这么破破烂烂的,叫她怎么见人。 [05:17.48]I am fed up with those rag-to-riches story. 那些贫儿暴富的故事我听腻了。 [05:22.19]motionless 不动的 [05:24.97]We offered them food and spoke to them kindly,but they remained motionless. 我们给他吃东西吃,和气地跟他们讲话,但他们却一动不动。 [05:32.20]He stood motionless. 他一动不动地站着。 [05:35.44]They became quite motionless,four unwinking eyes aimed and two mouths open. 他们呆若木鸡,瞪着眼,张着嘴。 [05:43.84]procession 行列,成队的人群 [05:47.34]When we later walked down themain street of the village, 后来,我们村里的主要街道上行走的时候, [05:52.31]we were followed by a silent procession of children. 一队孩子默不作声地跟在我们后面。 [05:57.56]The grand procession moves slowly out of the temple. 庄严的游行队伍缓缓地走出庙宇。 [06:02.72]shawl 披巾,围巾 [06:05.71]Old women in black shawls peered at us from doorways. 裹着黑披巾的老妇人在门口盯着我们。 [06:11.32]A naughty girl stood there,wrapped in a huge shawl. 一个淘气的上姑娘裹着一条在围巾站在那儿。 [06:16.27]Round his neck he wore a green shawl. 他脖子里围着一条绿色的在披巾。 [06:21.19]peer 凝视,盯着 [06:23.68]The old gentleman peered at the visitor over his spectacles. 老先生从镜片上方打量客人。 [06:29.00]The market people peered at the tourist from their booths. 集市里的人从货棚里盯着游客。 [06:34.69]quicken 加快 [06:37.24]Turning back down the main street, 我们转身沿着那条大路 [06:41.09]we quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream 快步向溪边走去, [06:47.54]where we hoped the boatman was waiting. 一边希望船夫还在那儿等着我们 [06:52.35]His breathing quickened. 他的呼吸急促起来。 [06:56.86]Good literature quickens the imagination. 好的文学作品刺激想像力。