[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 47 thirsty 第47课 贪杯的 [00:07.18]a thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 [00:10.50]After walking a long way in the sun,they felt thirsty. 在太阳下走了很长一段路,他们感到口渴。 [00:16.23]He was very thirsty. 他很渴。 [00:20.17]ghost 鬼魂 [00:24.10]A man with a guilty conscience is said to be afraid of ghosts. 据说心里有愧的人怕见鬼。 [00:29.56]The graveryard is haunted by ghosts. 墓地闹鬼。 [00:34.40]haunt 来访 [00:38.33]Mr.Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted. 汤普森先生之所以想卖它,是因为那里常闹鬼。 [00:42.03]No one dared to live in the haunted mansion. 没人敢住在闹鬼的别墅。 [00:49.13]People believed that after his death the house was haunted. 人们认为他死后,房子就开始闹鬼。 [00:53.95]block 堵 [00:57.04]The next morning,he found that doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved. 第二天早上,他发现酒吧间的门被椅子堵上了,家具也被挪动过。 [01:09.06]All roads were blocked by the heavy snowfall. 大雪把所有的路都封住了。 [01:14.36]You blocked my way. 你挡住了我的路。 [01:17.15]furniture 家具 [01:19.55]He bought a set of furniture at a bargain price. 他以低廉的价格买了一套家具。 [01:26.24]There is not much furniture in the house. 房子里没有多少家具。 [01:29.82]whisky 威士忌酒 [01:31.57]He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before. 他还说他发现了5只空的威士忌酒瓶子,这肯定是鬼魂昨天晚上喝的。 [01:44.54]He loves whisky. 他爱喝威士忌。 [01:49.16]Would you like two whiskies? 你要两份威士忌吗? [01:51.84]suggest 暗示 [01:54.71]When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink,Mr.Thompson shook his head. 当我暗示说一定是村里有些人来喝不花钱的酒时,汤普森林先生摇了摇头。 [02:06.39]Your silence suggested that you agreed with the plan. 你的沉默表示你赞同这个计划。 [02:12.42]She is suggesting that it is all my fault. 她在暗示全是我的错。 [02:16.60]shake 摇动 [02:19.15]She shook him by the shoulder. 她抓住他的肩狠狠地摇着。 [02:24.43]You should shake the medicine before taking it. 服药前你应该把药摇匀。 [02:28.45]accept 接受 [02:30.56]The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away. 村里的人已经告诉他,即使他把小酒店白送人,他们也不要。 [02:42.09]She accepted the invitation. 她接受了邀请。 [02:45.26]I don't accept your opinion. 我不同意你的观点。