[00:00.00]Lesson 46 plead 第46课 找(借口),辩解 [00:05.81]No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, 现在有关‘自己动手’的书多得不计其数, [00:11.57]for there are countless do-it-yourself publications. 所以谁也不能再拿“不会”当借口了。 [00:17.61]I didn't mean it! Pleaded poor Alice. “我不是这个意思”可怜的爱丽丝辩解道。 [00:22.78]ingnorance 无知,不懂 [00:26.09]The more a man learns,the more he sees his ignorance. 学然后知足。 [00:31.75]Sometimes ignorance can be a blessing. 有的时候无知是福。 [00:36.11]publication 出版物 [00:40.12]The team are checking out all the publications in the field. 这个小组在查找这一领域所有的出版物。 [00:45.97]The bookstore regularly get free publications. 书店定期得到免费出版物。 [00:50.96]newlyweds 新婚夫妇 [00:54.02]Armed with the right tools and materials, 新婚夫妇备好合适的工具和材料, [00:58.95]newlyweds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes. 喜气气洋洋地开始布置新房。 [01:05.95]The newlywes began to quarrel immediately after the honeymoon. 新婚夫妇刚过完密月就开始吵架。 [01:12.25]The shop has a special discount for newlyweds. 商店对新婚夫妇实行特别优惠。 [01:18.60]gaily 愉快地,高兴地 [01:21.26]Dinner went on gaily. 晚饭吃的很愉快。 [01:24.96]The bird in the clock gaily hops out and says cuckoo. 钟里的小鸟愉快地跳出来,“布谷布谷”地叫着。 [01:30.56]leisure 空闲 [01:33.21]Men.particularl,spend their hours of leisure time installing their own fireplaces, 特别是男人,常利用空闲时间安装壁炉, [01:41.48]laying out their own gardens,building gargaes and making furniture. 布置花园,建造车库,制作家具。 [01:48.67]You might think over the matter at your leisure. 你闲下来不妨想想那件事。 [01:53.39]Leisure does what it likes;labor does what it must. 闲暇是做它喜欢做的事,工作是做它必须做的事。 [01:59.34]keen 热心的,渴望的 [02:01.93]Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to build their own computers. 有些格外热衷的人就连电脑都是自己组装的。 [02:10.28]She is very keen to go to the match. 她热望着能去看比赛。 [02:14.50]Rufas is keen on anything that has the word 'ball'in it. 鲁弗斯对所带“球”的东西都很热衷。 [02:20.36]advisory 咨询的 [02:23.75]Shops cater for the do-it-yourself craze 商店为了迎合自己动手热, [02:28.51]not only by running special advisory services for novices, 不仅为初学者提供了专门的咨询服务, [02:34.70]but by offering consumers bits and pieces which they can assemble at home. 而且为顾客准备了各种零件,供他们买回家去安装。 [02:41.92]The Security Council can ask the Court for an advisory opinion on any legal question. 安理会可以就任何法律问题向国际法院提出咨询。 [02:51.52]novice 新手 [02:54.31]Have an eye on her.She is a novice. 当心照看她一点,她是个新手。 [02:59.39]At skiing he is not a novice. 他可不是滑雪新手。 [03:04.13]consumer 消费者,顾客 [03:06.85]The price increases were passed on by the firm to the consumers. 公司把上涨的费用都转嫁到了消费者身上。 [03:13.35]This is a consumer-oriented service. 这个服务是以消费者为中心的。 [03:17.54]assemble 装配,组装 [03:20.79]At last he began to assemble his safety razor. 最后他开始要安装剃须刀。 [03:26.34]The final program is assembled. 最终程序已经装配完毕。 [03:30.44]outlet 出口,发泄(感情,精力等) [03:33.21]Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent up creative energy, 这些东西为人们的创造潜能提供了极佳的用武之地, [03:39.82]but unfortunately not all of us are born handymen. 但不幸的是,并非人人都是能工巧匠。 [03:45.06]The poor slave talked to the old horse as anoutlet for his anger and sadness. 可怜的奴隶向老马倾吐着他的愤怒和忧伤。 [03:51.96]Art is a sublime outlet for feelings. 艺术是一种崇高的宣泄情感的方式。 [03:57.02]creative 富于创造性的 [03:59.58]A teacher should encourage his students to do creative thinking. 老师应当鼓励学生的创造性思维。 [04:05.52]You can't expect your advertising people to get creative overnight. 你不能指望这些替你设计广告的人一夜间就变得有创意。 [04:11.54]handyman 手巧的人,能工巧匠 [04:14.84]A handyman was called in to fix our music box. 我们请了个手巧的人来修八音盒。 [04:20.09]Grandpa is the handyman in the neighborhood. 爷爷是我们这一片的能工巧匠。 [04:24.88]resourceful 足智多谋的 [04:28.14]Some wives tned to believe 有些妻子似乎认为 [04:32.00]that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and can fix anything. 丈夫无所不能,什么都能搞定。 [04:38.49]They are an able people,very industrious and resourceful,and they would recover quickly. 这是一个能干的民族,非常勤劳而机智,他们会很快恢复元气。 [04:48.05]He looked bold and resourceful and unscrupulous but he was none of these. 他看上去在胆,善于随机应变,而且肆无忌惮,其实根本不是。 [04:55.00]fuse 由于烧断保险丝而短路 [04:57.81]When lights fuse,furniture gets rickety,pipes get clogged,or vaccum cleaners fail to operate. 碰到保险丝烧断了,家具榫头松了,管道堵了,吸尘器不动了, [05:08.56]some women assume that their husband will somehow put things right 有些女人老是一厢情愿地觉得丈夫有办法。 [05:14.37]If you plug in all these appliances at once,you'll fuse all the lights. 你要是把这些电器同时接上电,保险丝就会烧断,所有的灯都会熄灭。 [05:21.27]Have some candlees at hand in case lights fuse. 手边准备点蜡烛,万一保险丝烧断了。 [05:26.21]rickety 要散架的,晃动的 [05:29.17]A rickety chair was about all the furniture he had. 一把摇摇晃晃的破椅子差不多就是他的全部家当了。 [05:34.51]clog 堵塞 [05:37.11]The pipe is so small that it clogs very easily. 管子太细了,容易堵。 [05:42.12]The teeth of the saw were clogged with saw dust. 锯齿被木屑塞住了。 [05:47.08]delusion 错觉 [05:50.52]The worst thing about the do-it-yourself games 这个自己动手的游戏最糟的一点就是有时男人也跟着犯糊涂, [05:54.64]is that sometimes even men live under the delusion that they can do anything, 哪怕是一错再错, [06:01.64]even when they have repeatedly been proved wrong. 也以为自己什么都行。 [06:07.13]I'm not going to believe whatever you say.You are having a delusion. 你说什么我都不会相信的。你在胡思乱想呢。 [06:13.58]lawn mower 锄草机 [06:16.45]Last spring my wife suggested that I call in a man to look at our lawn mower. 去年春天,妻子让我找个人检查一下我们的锄草机。 [06:23.60]It's advisable to use a lawn mower instead of scissors to cut his manes. 聪明点还是用锄草机剪他这一头鬃毛吧,别用剪刀了。 [06:29.49]Our lawn mower is hand-propelled,not power-driven. 我们的锄草机是手动的,不是机动的。 [06:35.85]adjustment 调整 [06:38.54]As far as I could see,it needed only a minor adjustment, 在我看来,只需稍加调整即可, [06:44.25]a turn of the screw here,a little tightening up there, 这儿紧紧螺丝,那儿固定一下, [06:50.10]a drop of oil and it would be as good as new. 再加几滴油,就会像新的一样了。 [06:55.15]Some institutions have begun to make the adjustment to the new age. 一些机构开始调整以适应新时代。 [07:01.31]screw 螺丝钉 [07:04.01]Show me how to drive in a screw. 教我怎么把螺丝钉旋进去。 [07:08.12]There is a screw loose somewhere. 哪儿的螺丝松了,(俚语)什么地方出毛病了。 [07:12.21]dismantle 拆卸 [07:15.26]The mower firmly refused to mow,so I decided to dismantle it. 锄草机纹丝不动,于是我决定把它拆开。 [07:22.15]The boy looked on curiously as his father dismantled the car. 爸爸拆卸汽车零件的时候,小男孩好奇地在一边看着。 [07:28.11]chunk (厚)块 [07:31.36]The garden was soon littered with chunks of metal which had once made up a lawn mower. 花园里就乱七八糟地堆满了锄草机的金属零件。 [07:38.58]On the long table were rosy apples and chunks of maple sugar. 长桌上放着红红的苹果和大块的械糖。 [07:44.63]snap 绷断 [07:47.57]One of the links in the chain that drives wheels had snapped. 驱动轮子的链条断了一节。 [07:53.18]The branch snapped under the weight of the snow. 树枝被雪压断了。 [07:58.14]My nerves almost snapped under the pressure of work. 我的神经在工作压力下乎崩溃了。 [08:03.64]insurmountable 不能克服的,难以对付的 [08:07.55]After buying a new chain I was faced with the insurmountable task 我买来新链条以后,就面临着一项极为艰巨的任务, [08:13.60]of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle again. 即如何把这些让人眼花缭乱的拼板重新拼起来。 [08:19.36]She knew the problem was not insurmountable. 她知道这个问题并非无法解决。 [08:25.76]To test his courage the with set three insurmountable tasks for the soldier. 为了考验士兵的勇气,女巫给他出了三道难题。 [08:32.50]jigsaw puzzle 拼图游戏 [08:35.43]We are trying to put the jigsaw puzzle together. 我们想把这些拼板都拼起来。 [08:39.56]I dislike jigsaw puzzles Out with the truth. 我不喜欢玩拼图游戏。干干脆脆地把实话都说出来吧。 [08:45.91]nag 唠叨不休,纠缠不休 [08:48.93]When my wife nagged me to do something about it, 妻子喋喋不休地让我想点办法, [08:53.12]I told her that either I would have to buy a new mower or let the grass grow. 我告诉她,要么买台新的,要么让草长下去。 [09:00.55]Dad has been nagging mum all week to mend his shirt. 爸爸整整一星期一直唠叨着要妈妈给他补衬托。 [09:06.19]The children finally nagged the nurse into taking them to the zoo. 孩子们终于缠得保姆答应带他们去动物园了。 [09:12.23]rust 生锈 [09:15.14]Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower 深草丛中埋着一台正在生锈的锄草机, [09:21.08]which I have promised to repair one day. 那就是我曾经信誓旦旦要修理的锄草机。 [09:25.89]Stainless stell does not rust. 不锈钢不会生锈。 [09:30.24]Even cars that were mechanically sound started rusting. 甚至机械性能良好的车也开始生锈了。