[00:00.00]Lesson 45 democratic 第45课 民主的 [00:07.10]In democratic countries 在民主的国家里, [00:10.91]any efforts to restrict freedom of the press are rightly condemned. 任何限制新闻自由的企图都理所当然地受到谴责。 [00:17.91]She can talk beautifully about democracy, 她讲民主可以讲得天花乱坠, [00:23.66]but does not know how to live a democratic life. 可是却不知道怎么过民主生活。 [00:29.16]The company is run on democratic lines, 公司推行民主管理的方法, [00:34.17]and all the staff are involved in making decisions. 所有的员工都参与决策。 [00:38.77]restrict 限制 [00:41.59]Mrs.Dumpling.on diet,restricted herself to four apple pies every meal. 汤圆太太在节食,限制自己每顿饭只吃四个苹果饼。 [00:49.47]The use of the drug is restricted. 这种药的使用受到限制。 [00:54.52]abuse 滥用 [00:56.99]However,this freedom can easily be abused. 然而,这种自由容易被滥用。 [01:02.32]He abused his car by not changing the oil,and now it needs major repairs. 他用车用得太狠,老不加油,现在车需要大修了。 [01:10.27]The committee abuses the power granted and gets rightfully dismissed. 委员会滥用了赋予他们的权利,理所当然地被解散了。 [01:17.49]contention 论点 [01:20.98]Acting on the contention that facts are sacred 记者按事实至上的论点行事, [01:26.22]reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals 披露别人私生活的细节, [01:32.52]pubilishing details about their private lives. 往往给当事人造成很大的痛苦。 [01:37.64]He listed Spain,Mexico,Russia and France to support his contention. 他又列举了西班牙、墨西哥、俄罗斯和法国支持他的论点。 [01:45.14]Direct tests on individual particles do not support these contentions. 对单个粒子所做的直接试验并不支持这些论点。 [01:52.61]untold 数不尽的,无限的 [01:55.16]In the Charter of the United Nations,the peoples express their determination 在联合国宪法章中,各国人民表示 [02:04.55]to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war 决心要使子孙后代 [02:10.90]which has brought untold sorrows to mankind. 不再遭受曾给人类带来无穷痛苦的战祸。 [02:16.31]They suffered untold terrors in the dark and huddled together for comfort. 他们遭受着黑暗中难以言传的种种恐怖,挤在一堆互相壮胆。 [02:23.60]South Dakota 南达科他州(美国) [02:26.66]The family lived in Aberdean,a small town of 23000 inhabitants in South Dakota. 这户人家住在南达科他州的一个人口为23000的小镇阿拜丁。 [02:35.85]perpetual 永久的 [02:38.90]As the parents had five children,life was a perpetual struggle against poverty. 家里已有了5个孩子,全家人常年在贫困中挣扎。 [02:46.11]The wind and the water were carrying on their perpetual quarrel. 风和海水在进行它们那永无休止的争吵。 [02:52.66]She would be saved from burning only to be condemned to perpetual imprisonment. 她被免于火刑,得到的是终身监禁的判决。 [02:59.32]obscurity 默默无闻 [03:02.62]They would have continued to struggle against economic odds 他们会继续过紧巴巴的日子, [03:08.17]and would have lived in obscurity. 默默无闻地活着。 [03:12.46]He moved to Argentina where he lived in obscurity. 他移居阿根廷,无声无息地过活。 [03:17.87]The man was a genius but hindered by the obscurity of his condition. 那个人是个天才,可是因为出身低微不能出头。 [03:24.36]quintuplet 五胞胎之一 [03:27.51]But they suddenly became the parents of quintuplets, 但是他们突然成了五胞胎的父母, [03:32.86]four girls and a boy,an event which radically changed their lives. 四女一男,这件事彻底改变了他们的命运。 [03:40.41]Every one of the quintuplets are their darlings, 五胞胎个个是他们的心肝宝贝, [03:45.61]but the mother especially dotes on the youngest. 不过作母亲的格外疼那个最小的。 [03:50.07]radically 彻底地,完全地 [03:53.33]His intereference radically changed the situation. 他的干预彻底改变了局势。 [03:58.53]I am radically against this plan. 这坚决反对这个计划。 [04:02.43]exclusive 独占的,独家的 [04:05.38]Newspapers and magazines 报纸和杂志 [04:09.28]offered the family huge sums for the exclusive rights to publish stories and photographs. 高价向他们购买文字,图片的独家报道权。 [04:17.25]The Times has been granted an exclusive interview. 时报获得独家用采访权。 [04:22.39]They think it's their exclusive privilege. 他们认为这是他们独家的特权。 [04:26.34]nursery 育婴室,保育室 [04:29.13]While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery, 五个婴儿在医院育婴房的氧气帐篷里安睡的时候, [04:36.46]their parents were paying the price for fame. 他们的父母已经在为出名付出代价了。 [04:41.65]She picked orange-colored curtains for the nursery and azure ones for the study. 她为育婴房选了橙色的窗帘,为书房选了天蓝的。 [04:48.80]This is a well-known nursery rhyme. 这是一支大家都很熟悉的童谣。 [04:53.30]commercialization 商品化 [04:57.45]They had become the victims of commercialization, 他们成了商品化的受害者, [05:02.05]for their names had acquired a market value. 因为他们的名字具有了市场价值。 [05:07.44]This used to be a quiet beach that few people knew about, 这是曾经是一片寂静的海滩,很少有人知晓 [05:13.10]but now commercialization has changed it into a flowery rug of hotels. 但是现在商品化把它变成了一块遍地旅店的花毯了。 [05:20.44]Hardly anyone can escape the influence of commercialization. 几乎没有人能逃脱商品化的影响。 [05:26.24]commodity 商品 [05:29.84]Instead of being five new family members, 这些孩子立即成了商品 [05:34.54]these children had immediately become a commodity. 而不是五个新的家庭成员。 [05:40.29]A bill of exchange is a commodity that is subject to rises and falls in value. 债券是一种商品,也有市价涨落。 [05:47.61]The country is heavily dependent on its export of agricultural commodities. 这个国家在很大程度上依赖农产品出口。