[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]LESSON 45 clear 第45课 无罪的,不亏心的 [00:08.57]a clear conscience 问心无愧 [00:12.53]She faced the charge with a clear conscience. 面对指控,她问尽无愧。 [00:16.15]He has a clear reputation. 他声誉清白。 [00:20.89]conscience 良心,道德心 [00:24.25]He has a good conscience. 他问心无愧。 [00:28.24]He is a man of integrity;he always follows his own conscience. 他是个诚实正直的人,他总是按良心行事。 [00:34.81]wallet 皮夹,钱夹 [00:38.09]Sam Benton,the local butcher,had lost his wallet while taking his saving to the post office. 当地的屠户萨姆·本顿在把存款送往邮局的途中把钱包丢了。 [00:48.55]Three months passed,and then one morning,Sam found his walled outside his front door. 3个月过去了,后来的一天早晨,萨姆在自己的大门外发现了他的钱包。 [00:58.37]Tom had little money in his wallet. 汤姆的钱包里没什么钱。 [01:03.40]His walled was stolen while he was shopping. 他的钱包在购物时被偷。 [01:08.21]savings 存款 [01:12.05]She drew all her saving from the bank. 她把所有的存款都从银行里取出来了。 [01:16.39]The old woman lived comfortably on her savings. 那个老妇人靠着存款过着舒服的日子。 [01:21.02]villager 村民 [01:24.50]Sam was sure that the wallet must have beenfound by one of the willagers,but it was not returned to him. 萨姆确信那钱包一定是被某个村民捡到了,可是却不见有人来送还给他。 [01:36.01]These villagers are very primitive. 这些村民很淳朴。 [01:38.52]She had been in the village for only on month, 她来这个村庄不过一个月, [01:44.05]but she was on good terms with the villagers. 但是和村民的关系很好。 [01:49.44]percent 百分之...... [01:53.05]A thief,yes,but only 50 percent a thief! 一个小偷,是的,但只是一个50%的小偷! [01:57.01]Only 25 percent a thief now! 这回只是25%的小偷了! [02:01.47]I am 100 percent honest now! 我现在是一个100%的诚实人了! [02:06.59]Farmers make up 80 percent of the total population in China. 农民占中国总人口的80%。 [02:13.32]This year's production was increased by 20 percent. 今年的产量增加了20%。