[00:00.00]Lesson 44 Positively 第44课 绝对地,完全地 [00:07.01]Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. 很少有人真正喜欢坐几个小时以上的火车。 [00:14.25]Parrot positively refused to tell its age. 鹦鹉坚决不肯说出自己的年龄。 [00:20.42]I pricked up my ear,for it was positively the first time I had ever heard a dialect. 我竖起耳朵听着因为这绝对是我第一次听说方言。 [00:30.37]cramped 窄小的 [00:33.67]Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. 火车车厢很快就变得拥挤、闷热。 [00:38.84]Enough room should be left for you singnature so that it doesn't look cramped. 你要给你的签名留下足够的位置,这样看起来才显得不局促。 [00:45.67]The family lives in a cramped little apartment. 这家人住在一间狭小的公寓里。 [00:50.63]stuffy 憋气的,闷气的 [00:53.58]Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. 火车车厢很快就变得拥挤、闷热。 [00:58.73]It was hot and stuffy. 天气又热又闷。 [01:02.43]monotonous 枯燥的,乏味的,单调的 [01:05.73]Reading is only a partial solution, 看书只能解决部分问题, [01:10.94]for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you so sleep. 车轮与铁轨之间单调的嘎吱声很快就会把你送进梦乡。 [01:18.75]Every newcomer must start from a monotonous routine work. 每个新来的人都必须从枯燥的日常工作做起。 [01:24.93]His monotonous voice would spoil any poem. 什么诗都会被他那单调的声音所糟蹋。 [01:29.15]rhythm 节奏 [01:32.37]His speech has a flowing rhythm. 他的讲话有一种流动的节奏感。 [01:36.38]The longer you read it,the more you get into the rhythm and mood. 你读的时间越长,对作品的节律和情感就领会得越深。 [01:42.84]click 发出咔哒声 [01:45.70]The key clicked as it turned in the lock. 钥匙在锁孔里转动,发出喀哒的声音。 [01:50.35]The clock clicked in the crocodile 's stomach. 鳄鱼肚子里的钟声发出滴答的声音。 [01:55.61]lull 催眠,哄(小孩)入睡 [01:58.37]The sights and sounds of such a night lull pain and grief to rest. 只有这样一个夜晚的景致和声音才能把痛苦和烦恼催眠,让它们好好地安睡。 [02:04.90]snatch 短时,片刻 [02:08.15]During the day,sleep comes in santches. 白天是忽睡忽醒。 [02:13.25]She heard santches of talk. 她听到了片段的谈话。 [02:17.40]He passed on the news which came to him in snatches. 他把零零碎碎听来的消息告诉了别人。 [02:22.81]sleeper 卧铺 [02:25.92]If you are lucky enough to get a sleeper, 即使你走运,弄到一个卧铺, [02:30.36]you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, 夜里有一半时间你会盯着车顶那盏小蓝灯发呆, [02:36.45]or fumling to find your ticket for inspection. 要不然就为查票到处摸索车票。 [02:42.10]He sacrificed his sleeper to a sick old lady. 他把自己的卧铺让给了一个生病的老太太。 [02:47.06]The year before last my friend ran into a considerate thief on the train 前年我朋友在火车上遇上了一个体贴的小偷, [02:53.95]who crept into his sleeper in the dead of the night, 那位仁兄夜里轻手轻脚地摸进了他的车厢, [02:59.36]took away his leather shoes and left a pair of female slippers in their stead. 拿走了他的皮鞋,在原地上放了一双女民工拖鞋。 [03:07.31]fumble 乱摸,摸索 [03:10.08]She fumbled her purse which contained the address slip. 她在钱包里摸索着那张写着地址的纸片。 [03:15.74]inspection 检查 [03:19.38]It needed only a casual inspection to realize how badly the office had been kept. 只要随随便便地看一下,就会发现这间办公室多么漫无秩序。 [03:27.35]The boy eagerly drew his sore toe from under the sheet and held it up for inspection. 孩子急切地把肿了的脚趾从被窝里搬出来,举起来仔细查看。 [03:34.58]inevitably 必然地,不可避免地 [03:38.24]Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted. 到达目的的时候你必然疲惫不堪。 [03:44.61]The work inevitably ended up in a mess. 工作结束的时候不可避免地弄成了一团糟。 [03:50.18]He will inevitably get kicked out; 他肯定要被踢开的, [03:54.84]that boss of yours would not let anyone outlive his usefulness. 你那个老板呀,向来是过河拆桥的。 [04:00.43]destination 目的地 [04:03.84]What's the destination of your trip? 你旅行的目的地是哪儿? [04:09.24]When they at last reached their destination,they forgot what they were looking for. 当他们最后到达目的地的时候,已经忘了自己要找什么了? [04:16.28]exhaust 使筋疲力尽 [04:19.94]Ruth was exhausted and more than once lost her temper. 露丝被搞得筋疲力尽,不止一次地发脾气。 [04:25.83]He was perfectly exhausted and they were careful not to rouse him. 他实在疲惫不堪了,他们很小心不把他吵醒。 [04:32.80]motorway 公路。高速公路 [04:36.73]On motorways you can,at least,travel fairly safely at high speeds, 在公路上还好,至少速度快,比较安全。 [04:43.33]but more often than not,the greater part of the journey is spend on roads 但旅途的大半都花在了路上,而且服务设施少, [04:52.23]with few service stations and too much traffic. 交通拥挤。 [04:57.83]It is required to construct an access bridge over a motorway. 要求建造一座跨公路的交通桥。 [05:04.59]This is one of longest motorways in Canada. 这是加拿大最长的高速公路。 [05:09.75]ferry 渡船 [05:13.73]By comparison,ferry trips or cruises offer a great variety of civilized comforts. 相比之下,坐船可以得到文明世界的各种享受。 [05:22.00]When does the next ferry leave? 下班渡船什么时候开? [05:26.65]A bridge replace the ferry that went to the island. 一座桥取代了去岛上的渡船。 [05:32.01]cruise 巡游 [05:36.04]I could steal a boat or two and go on a real cruise with you. 我可以偷一两条船,跟你作一次真正的巡游。 [05:42.69]We took a cruise in the Carribbean. 我们在加勒比海上作了一次环游。 [05:46.69]civilize 使文明,教化 [05:49.94]Supposing that the chimpanzees were to be civilized by us,would they be happer for it? 就算咱们把猩猩都开化了,它们会因此更幸福吗? [05:59.94]Many a man has been civilized by his wife. 许多男人都是被他们的妻子教化的。 [06:04.99]spacious 宽敞的 [06:08.14]You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks, 你可以在开阔的甲板上舒展四肢,做游戏; [06:13.89]play games,meet interesting people 还能见到各种有趣的人,享用各种美食—— [06:19.14]and enjoy good food-always assuming of course that the sea is calm. 当然前提是海上没有风浪。 [06:26.19]He has a study as spacious as the sea. 他的书房简直像大海一样宽敞。 [06:31.04]Before their eyes appeared a spacious hall. 他们眼前是一座宽敞的大厅。 [06:35.84]seasick 晕船的 [06:39.11]If it not,and you are likely to get seasick,no form of transport could be worse. 如果海上有浪,你又晕船,就没有什么比坐船厂更糟糕的旅行方式了。 [06:47.04]She's seasick?I'd sooner teach a fish how to swim. 她会晕船?那鱼也得学游泳了。 [06:53.87]None of the family got seasick save the puppie. 全家人都没有晕船,除了小狗。 [06:59.16]intimidate 威吓的,恫吓 [07:02.26]Aeroplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and even hardened travellers are intimidated by them. 飞机有危险的名声,哪怕是饱经风雨的旅行者也怵飞机。 [07:13.96]The Senate and the House hearing rooms are designed to intimidate the witness. 参议院和议院举行听证会的房间在设计上是有意吓唬证人的。 [07:20.71]Rabby sat frowning at the intimidating pile of dirty dishes. 拉比坐在那儿,愁眉苦脸地看着那吓人的一堆脏碗碟。 [07:27.52]disadvantage 短处,缺点 [07:30.77]They also have the disadvantage of being an expensive form of transport. 飞机的另一个缺点是昂贵。 [07:37.98]Nothing is given without a disadvantage in it. 有所得必有所失。 [07:42.72]Her accent will be very much to her disadvantage if she wants to be an actress. 她要是想当演员,她的口音是个很大的不利条件。 [07:49.62]exhilarating 使人高兴的,令人兴奋的 [07:53.92]Travelling at a height of 30000 feet,far above the clouds, 腾云驾雾,在3万英尺的高空 [07:59.87]and at over 500 miles an hour is an exhilarating experience. 以500英里的时速航行,这种经历令人心旷神怡。 [08:07.02]The moring air is exhilarating. 早晨的空气让人精神振奋。 [08:11.12]I was flying back with a group of journalists after an exhilarating trip to Tibet. 我高高兴兴地到西藏玩了一趟,一块和一帮记者坐飞机回来的。 [08:18.53]escapist 逍遥者,逃避现实者 [08:22.85]The real excapist can watch a film and sip champagne on some services. 真正会享受的人还可以在提供有关服务的航班上看看电影,呷呷香槟。 [08:30.72]Only an escapist can invent such an excuse. 这种借口只有逃避现实的人能想的得出。 [08:36.03]There can't be any real escapist since one cannot escape indefinitely. 没有任何能真正逃避现实的人,因为逃也只能避一时。 [08:42.18]sip 呷,啜 [08:45.90]Across the table Marsha was sipping orange juice. 玛莎在桌子那一头呷着橙汁。 [08:51.89]She hates sherry,tolerates wine,and occasionally sips at champagne to be sociable. 她讨厌雪利酒,葡萄酒将就,偶尔,为了随大流也呷两口香槟。 [08:59.15]champagne 香槟 [09:02.36]The day Bunkie was fired there was great rejoicing and much drinking of champagne. 邦奇被解雇的那天,大家欢欣鼓舞,痛饮香槟。 [09:10.46]True chamagne comes only from one area in France, 真正的香槟只有法国的一个地区才出产 [09:16.36]but sparking champagne from other places is often called wine,too. 可是有时候别的地方冒泡的酒也称为香槟。 [09:22.97]refinement 风雅,精致 [09:26.71]But even when such refinements are not available there is plenty to keep you occupied. 不过,既使没有这些风雅的消遣,也不愁没有事可做。 [09:35.96]There were to be seen the masterpiecees of art,the refinemint of highly cultured society. 在那里我们可以看到艺术的杰作高度文明的精华。 [09:45.66]He is always proud of his so called refinement in manners. 他总是为他所谓的高雅举止自鸣得意。 [09:51.36]breathtaking 激动人心的,不寻常的 [09:54.86]An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world. 在飞机上,你可以观赏非同寻常的美景。 [10:01.76]It had been a four-hour journey,in part through the breathtaking beauty of the Plumas National Forest. 那是一次四小时的旅行,途经帕拉玛国家公园,美得令人惊叹。 [10:13.41]He watched the breathtaking match to the end. 他把激动人心的比赛看到了最后。 [10:17.92]soar 高飞,翱翔 [10:20.41]You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. 你毫不费力地飞越高山幽谷。 [10:26.56]Were it but free,it could soar cloud-high. 它一旦自由了,就会在高高的云端里翱翔。 [10:32.31]The prices of agricultural commodities were soaring. 农产品价格飞涨。 [10:37.92]effortlessly 不费力地 [10:41.56]You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. 你毫不费力地飞越高山幽谷。 [10:48.17]He speaks Portuguese effortlessly. 他说葡萄牙语毫不费力。 [10:53.76]We stood in silence watching the fish glide effortlessly. 我们静静地站着,看着鱼儿逍遥自在地游来游去。 [10:59.57]landscape 风景 [11:02.56]If the landscape is hadden from view, 如果风景被遮住了, [11:06.91]you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains 你可以欣赏一下绵延数英里一眼望不到头的云海, [11:13.51]that stretch out for miles before you,while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky. 同时阳光灿烂,天空清澈明朗。 [11:23.37]The landscape is worth seeing,but not worth going to see. 这个风景啊,值得看,可不值得专门去看。 [11:29.54]My window frames a thrilling snowy landscape. 我的窗户框住了一幅绝美的雪景。 [11:35.62]fresh 精神饱满的,容光焕发的 [11:38.51]However you decide to spend your time,one thing is certain; 不管你打算怎么消磨时间,有件事是可以肯定的, [11:44.82]you will arrive at your destination fresh and uncrumpled. 即当你抵达目的地时,你会觉得精神焕发,毫无倦意。 [11:51.21]I can't help feeling fresh,having slept for thirteen hours. 睡了13个小时,想不精神焕发都难。 [11:57.06]He lent them a fresh horse. 他借给他们一匹精力充沛的马。 [12:01.77]uncrumpled 没有垮下来的 [12:05.81]Most people bet money on the uncrumpled hence stronger team. 大多数人把钱押在了那个还没累垮因而相对强劲的队上。 [12:12.02]Our CEO went downstairs,uncrumpled,as if he had not tavelled sixteen hours in the crumpy cart. 我们的首席执行官下楼的时候一点没有疲惫不堪的样子,好像不是刚在闷罐马车里坐了16个小时似的。