[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]LESSON 44 forest 第44课 森林 [00:06.23]through the forest 穿过森林 [00:09.11]Many forests have been destroyed. 许多森林被破坏了。 [00:14.46]We must protect tropic forests. 我们必须保护热带雨林。 [00:18.46]risk 危险,冒险 [00:22.22]Mrs.Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran though a forest after two men. 安·斯特斯夫人在穿过森林追赶两个男人时,她并没有考虑到所冒的风险。 [00:32.41]He saved the drowning boy at the risk of his own life. 他冒着生命危险救了那个溺水的男孩。 [00:38.24]He is too much risk at the stock market. 股市上风险很大。 [00:43.24]picnic 野餐 [00:47.48]The picnic was ruined by a heavy rain. 野餐被一场大雨破坏了。 [00:53.02]They often go for a picnci in sunny days. 他们总在阳光明媚的日子去野餐。 [00:57.48]edge 边缘 [01:01.32]Many species are at the edge of extinction. 许多物种濒临灭绝。 [01:05.58]Her age was on the edge of forty. 她将近四十岁。 [01:11.29]In the struggle,the strap broke and,with the bag in their possession,both men started running through the trees. 在争夺中,手提包的带断了,包落入这两个人手里,他们拔腿跑进了树林。 [01:24.59]He bought a new watch because the old one's strap broke. 他买了块新表,因为原来的那块手表的带子断了。 [01:30.56]She hunted many shops,but could not find a strap that matched her watch. 她找了好几家商店,但是没有找到与她的手表相配的表带。 [01:39.20]possession 所有 [01:41.31]He is in possession of a large house. 他拥有一栋大房子。 [01:45.44]The old house is now in the possesion of the government. 那栋老房子现在归政府所有。 [01:49.56]breath 呼吸 [01:53.36]She was soon out of breath,but she continued to run. 只追了一会儿便上气不接下气了,但她还是继续追赶。 [01:57.20]He took deep breaths when he got to the top of the mountain. 他爬到山顶时深吸了几口气。 [02:03.31]She held her breath. 她屏住了呼吸。 [02:06.81]contents (常用复数)内有的物品 [02:09.56]When seh caught up with them,she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag,so she ran straight at them. 当她们赶上他们时,发现他们已经坐了下来,正翻着包里的东西。于是她直冲过去。 [02:25.55]She went through the contents of the safe, 她翻找保险箱里的东西, [02:29.35]but could not find the important contract. 但是没有找到那份重要的合同。 [02:34.15]Most of the contents of the safe are jewellery. 保险箱里的大多数东西是珠宝。 [02:37.77]mend 修理 [02:41.45]The strap needs mending. 这提包带需要修理。 [02:45.45]My father spent a whole day mending the hedge. 我父亲花了一整天的时间整修树篱。 [02:51.21]She is mending her coat. 她正在补衣服。