[00:00:31]Hey, Amanda.Uh, I just wanted to check in, 嘿 Amanda 我只是想确认一下 [00:03:11]You know ,make sure we're cool. Totally. Good. 你知道的 确认我们没事 完全没事 很好 [00:08:15]Okay,this is really weird. 好吧 这真的很诡异 [00:10:02]You're asking me about my feelings, 你在问我的感受 [00:11:20]and I haven't had one clingy impulse since we did it. 自从我们那样过开始我一点粘你的冲动都没了 [00:15:32]So we were there for each other, and now we're good. 于是 我们只是互相安慰了一把而现在我们也没事 [00:18:40]Yeah.I guess we actually did this right. 我想我们实际这么做是对了 [00:23:01]"Mode" magazine. How can I help you? 时尚杂志 有什么我能帮到您的吗 [00:27:16]The Bahamas proofs just came in, 巴哈马的样片刚送来 [00:30:22]And not that you care about other people's opinions. 不是说你在意别人的意见 [00:33:22]But the entire staff is buzzing about how great they are. 但所有工作人员都在议论这些拍得有多好 [00:37:19]Oh,champagne. I thought that you'd be more heartbroken? 哦 香槟 我还以为你会更伤心 [00:43:11]Connor is alive. That is reason enough for me. Connor还活着 这个理由对我来说就足够了 [00:46:40]And since everyone thinks I got him arrested, 既然所有人都认为是我让他被捕的 [00:48:47]I can write my own ticket at "mode," 我回时尚绝对是不成问题了 [00:50:39]which means you still have your job. 这也意味着你的工作也保住了 [00:53:04]And you got your boy shorts in a wad for nothing. 而你也可以安心地躺在床上睡大觉了 [00:58:40]Well...There's something I need to tell you. 可我有件事要告诉你 [01:04:01]I've accepted a job from Daniel as his assistant. 我在Daniel那接受了一项工作做他的助理 [01:09:28]So quit. 那辞掉好了 [01:11:05]Thing is I don't want to. 问题是我不想 [01:14:52]I know it's not a job as an editor, 我知道那工作不是当编辑 [01:16:17]but somehow I think Daniel will actually try to make it happen for me. 但不知怎的 我觉得Daniel实际上会试着为我实现它