[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 125 water 第125课 浇水 [00:07.02]I must water the garden first. 我得先给花园浇水。 [00:10.52]Have you watered the flowers? 你给花浇水了吗? [00:16.05]We need to water the young plants every day. 我们每天都得给小树苗浇水。 [00:19.70]terribly 非常 [00:23.48]It's terribly dry. 干得厉害。 [00:25.09]It's terribly hot these days. 这些天来天气很热。 [00:29.57]I'm terribly sorry to have broken your glasses. 打破了你的眼镜,我真的很抱歉。 [00:36.48]dry 干的,干燥的 [00:38.21]The clothes become dry quickly outside. 衣服景在外面容易干。 [00:45.57]The ground is very dry during a hot summer. 夏天的土地非常地干。 [00:50.47]nuisance 讨厌的东西或人 [00:52.47]What a nuisance. 真讨厌。 [00:56.01]The cat is a really nuisance at night. 那只猫在这夜里真是讨厌极了。 [01:00.38]Don't be such a nuisance,Gary! 加里,不要那么讨厌啦! [01:05.11]mean 意味着,意思是 [01:09.55]That means you don't need to water the garden. 这就是说你不必给花园浇水了。 [01:14.21]Does it mean that I can watch TV now? 那是不是说我现在可以看电视了? [01:18.46]That means that we have to get there at 2 this afternoon. 那就是说我们今天下午两点钏就得到那里。 [01:23.06]surprise 惊奇,意外的事 [01:27.24]That was a pleasant surprise. 这是意想不到的好事。 [01:29.50]What a nice surprise to meet you here! 在这里见到你真是意外惊喜。 [01:36.05]It will be a great surprise to her! 这肯定会让她大吃一惊。