[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 113 conductor 第113课 售票员 [00:05.59]He asked the conductor for a ticket. 他向售票员买了一张票。 [00:09.47]Can you see the conductor over there? 你看到那边的售票员了吗? [00:12.73]fare 车费,车票 [00:15.12]Fares,please! 请买票! [00:17.12]Children under 5 can travel half fare. 小于五岁的孩子可以买半票。 [00:20.06]The price of the fare is too high. 车票的价格太贵了。 [00:23.96]change 兑换(钱) [00:26.36]I can't change a ten-pound note. 我找不开10英镑的钞票。 [00:30.11]Can you help me to change a ten-pound note? 你能帮我把一张十镑的纸币换成零钱吗? [00:34.02]Your note is too big,I can't change it. 你的钱面值太高了,我没有足够的零钱换给你。 [00:37.45]note 纸币 [00:39.27]Carol took out a ten-pound note and banded it to me. 卡罗尔拿出一张十镑的纸币递给了我。 [00:44.24]Can you help me to change this note? 你能帮我找开这张纸币吗? [00:47.28]passenger 乘客 [00:49.51]I'll ask some of passengers. 我来问问其他乘客。 [00:52.50]Will all the passengers please get off here! 所有的乘客都得在这里下车。 [00:55.26]None of the passengers were hurt in the car crash. 在这次撞车事故中,没有乘客受伤。 [01:00.40]none 没有任何东西 [01:02.21]None of our passengers can change this note. 我们的乘客中没人能换开这张钞票。 [01:06.43]I want some water,but there was none in the bottle. 我要一些,但是瓶子里一点都没有。 [01:11.13]None of you need worry. 你们都不用担心。 [01:13.02]neither 也不 [01:14.40]Neither can I. 我也没有。 [01:16.50]I didn't believe a word she said and neither did the police. 我不相信她说的每句话,警察也不相信。 [01:22.39]get off 下车 [01:23.55]I'm very sorry,sir.you must get off the bus. 非常抱歉,先生。你必须下车。 [01:27.37]Where shall I get off? 我应该在哪儿下车呢? [01:31.09]I got off at the wrong stop yesterday. 昨天我下错站了。 [01:34.23]tramp 流浪汉 [01:35.57]There are a lot of tramps near the bus station. 在汽车站附近有很多流浪汉。 [01:39.53]I met a tramp and gave him some money on my way home. 我回家的路上碰到了一个流浪汉并给了他一些钱。 [01:43.82]except 除...外 [01:45.30]Except us. 我们俩除外。 [01:48.24]The banks are open every day except sunday. 银行除了星期天外,其他时间都营业。 [01:52.58]Everyone except me went to the concert. 除了我,其他人都去参加了音乐会。