[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 110 most 第110课 最多的(many,much的最高级) [00:05.04]I've got the most. 我得到最多. [00:07.37]She got the most presents at the party. 晚会上她收到的礼物最多. [00:10.32]He has the most books in the class. 班里他的书最多. [00:14.07]least 最小的,最少的(little的最高级) [00:16.03]I've got the least. 我最少. [00:18.05]He finished the work in the least time. 他在最短时间内完成了任务. [00:22.07]I ate the least. 我吃得最少. [00:24.17]best 最好的(good 的最高级) [00:26.07]This one's the best I've ever seen. 这是我看过的最好的一个. [00:28.48]He is one of the best actors in history. 他是历史上最好的男演员之一. [00:33.19]I think this is the best answer up till now. 我觉得这是目前为止最好的答案. [00:37.19]worse 更坏的(bad的比较级) [00:39.02]This one's worse. 这个更坏. [00:40.22]I haven't seen any worse film. 我从没看过这么差的电影. [00:44.29]This one is worse than the green one. 这个比那个绿色的更差. [00:47.43]worst 最坏的(bad的最高级) [00:48.30]This one's the worst I've ever seen. 这是我看过的最坏的一个. [00:52.32]The worst thing is we don't have any money left. 最糟糕的是我们一点钱都没有了. [00:56.21]This is her worst film. 这是她最糟糕的电影.