[00:00:03]He pulled open the next door, both of them hardly daring to look at what came next - but there was nothing very frightening in here, 他拉开了下一道门,一时间,两人简直不敢看接下来是什么在等待他们——然而这里并没有什么可怕的东西, [00:07:43]just a table with seven differently shaped bottles standing on it in a line. 只有一张桌子,上面排放着七个形状各异的瓶子。 [00:13:19]"Snape's," said Harry. "What do we have to do?" “斯内普的魔法,”哈利说,“我们应该怎么做?” [00:18:29]They stepped over the threshold, and immediately a fire sprang up behind them in the doorway. 两人刚跨过门槛,身后就腾地升起一股火焰,封住了门口。 [00:23:29]It wasn't ordinary fire either; it was purple. At the same instant, black flames shot up in the doorway leading onward. They were trapped. 这股火焰不同寻常,是紫色的。与此同时,通往前面的门口也蹿起了黑色的火苗。他们被困在了中间。 [00:33:05]"Look!" Hermione seized a roll of paper lying next to the bottles. Harry looked over her shoulder to read it: “看!”赫敏抓起放在瓶子旁边的一卷羊皮纸。哈利站在她背后,和她一起读道: [00:40:51]Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind, 危险在眼前,安全在后方。 [00:45:04]Two of us will help you, which ever you would find, One among us seven will let you move ahead, Another will transport the drinker back instead, 我们中间有两个可以给你帮忙。把它们喝下去,一个领你向前,另一个把你送回原来的地方。 [00:56:12]Two among our number hold only nettle wine, Three of us are killers, waiting bidden in line. 两个里面装的是荨麻酒。三个是杀手,正排着队等候。 [01:03:19]Choose, unless you wish to stay here forevermore, To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four: 选择吧,除非你希望永远在此耽搁。我们还提供四条线索帮你选择: